Chapter 4: No Time To Feel The Breeze

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*Jill's POV*

"So, you had Albert set up this whole date? Just for me?" I ask, taking a sip of what was my second beer.

"Well I helped." Julian chuckles in response. We were about an hour and a half into the date and it was going really well. It was as if Julian hadn't even left. We were right back where we were two weeks ago.

Julian had told me amazing stories of all the places the band had visited overseas, making his eyes shine with excitement as he talked of doing what he loved. "Well that's very sweet of you." This time it was Julian's time to blush and as he did so, he tried to cover it up by stretching his arms.

"And I do love tacos." I giggle, pointing to the Taco Bell takeout bags that just a few minutes ago, we had annihilated. "Very romantic."

"What can I say? I'm a regular Casanova." He replies, lighting a cigarette. "Hey, listen. Are you doing anything tomorrow?" He asks, blowing a gust of smoke out of his mouth.

"I don't think so. Why?"

"Well, tomorrow there's this...sort of dinner they're throwing. By they I mean our record label. Sort of a celebration of our success of the album. You know, touring Europe and all of that. And I was wondering if maybe you'd want to be my date." He tucks his cigarette in between his index and middle finger, taking a swig of his beer.

"I-I would be honored to." A big label party? With lots of rockstars? And Julian wants to bring me?

"Cool. Cool. I'm glad." His voice was deep and rough as he said that. He placed his hand over mine and gave me a shy smile. "I really really like you. And I don't usually admit that to any girl. Anyone in general for that matter. And I just want to let you know. While we were on that trip...nothing happened."

"What do you mean nothing happened?" I give him a look, flipping my hair from one shoulder to the other, a nervous habit I did.

"I mean, when I was in the U.K...nothing happened. As in anything with other girls." He admits, looking at me seriously, his eyes glistening with sincerity.

" didn't have to do that." It's not like we were exclusive.

"Trust me. Even if I had wanted to, I just couldn't. I couldn't get you out of my mind. I knew as soon as I got back to New York, I had to be with you. Not just in my imagination." He replies. He stood up from the table and walked over to the railing of the balcony, looking over the empty backstreets.

He put out his cigarette and as soon as he did so, I stood up, walking slowly to where he was. Not saying a word, I tilted his head with my hands and crashed my lips against his, taking him by surprise, but he soon took control. "Shit. Now I know what I was missing." He mumbles against my mouth, continuing into the kiss.

He pressed against me, locking his arms together behind my back, leaning me against the wall of the building. His tongue pressed into my mouth and I grabbed his chin with both of my hands, tilting his head down towards me.

His breathe lingered of cigarettes and beer, but it was kind of sexy. His hand slid up the inside of my dress and I could feel him grab my chest with both of his hands. I pull away quickly, nervous of his touch. "Sorry." His cheeks blush red with embarrassment and I nod.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 01, 2016 ⏰

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