2. Filming day

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Hermione's p.o.v 

"Okay people , day one of Season 3 . Lets get the finishing touches on the house that the girls are staying in. " People scrambled around the house as I spoke . 

"You look..."Ginny paused thinking of an answer'

"Horrible." Lavender finished for her. I gave her a look that screamed 'really?'

"Wow thanks you're too kind Lav" I spoke sarcastically. 

"Sorry Mione." Lavender said gaining a sigh from me in response.

"It's okay Lav , Just worried about this season. "

I grabbed my walkie-talkie clipping it to my hip , and began to walk to his room making sure it was perfect and felt like home to him. Getting to the second level of the manor I looked over the railing to see my crew scrambling around to finish the touches on the house. I saw Ginny walking up. 

Rolling my eyes I continued to his room. Walking down the hall there was five doors on both sides of the hall , and one door at the very end of the hall . I walked to that single door. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath 'Mione he's not here yet you just need to check on his room and leave before he arrives." I bit my lip and walked through the dark cherry oak wood door . 

I was hit with his intoxicating scent. His room was laced with the scent of pine and fresh parchment. His walls were painted dark charcoal grey. It was a huge room , On one wall was windows looking out at the lake connected to the property . In the center was a higher leveled floor which his bed was posted upon. His black frame held a dark green comforter with black silk pillows and sheets . Also a white canopy curtain was draped from the bed frame. 

There was a fire place on the wall adjacent from his bed was a fire place and openings on both sides of it , on one side of the fireplace held his entry way to his closet . On the other side of the fire place was his bath room which the windows extended to as well . Behind his bed was a wall lined with books that I knew he read at home . He had a desk and a dark green velvet sectional couch with the matching chair. Black fur blankets draped his bed and the couches. I walked to the windows and it opened up to a balcony . Stepping out on the balcony I noticed people were waving their wands and finishing up the landscaping on the property. I also noticed my house on the lake . 

This room was exactly like his old loft. Everything except my house in out the window. We had so many memories in that old loft. There was a wave of emotions running through me at the thought of those memories.

Hearing the sound of the door clasping  shut broke my emotions, I turned around and noticed those ice cold grey eyes. That alluring scent had just been heightened about ten times stronger now. He stood in a all black suite. The top button upon his dress shirt was undone giving him what one would say 'messy look'. It sure was working for him. His hair was a mildly disheveled and he was now growing a goatee . 

"Good afternoon Ms. Granger" His voice was slightly above a whisper.

I wanted to speak back but my voice was caught in the back of my throat. So I just simply smiled and nodded then I began walking to the door that was behind him . Until my arm was caught by him. He pulled me back to him some. Looking at him not knowing what was about to happen I had to remind myself that  I couldn't let me emotions run wild. 

"Draco please.." I finally spoke. Gaining his hand to break free of my arm

"The room ... It looks nice" He smiled looking around. He bit his lip looking at the wall with books. "You got everything down to the 'T' huh?" He asked looking at me. 

"Yeah .. hope it hasn't changed much .." I said looking around noticing I had never put the photos up. 

"Everything but photos are here." He stated looking at me. 

"Well I didn't want the girls to wonder why our photos are everywhere .. a little awkward on a new relationship don't you think?" I stated adding a small laugh at the end

"Why do you want me as this suitor or whatever?" He asked never commenting on the photos

"You're the number on-" He soon cut me off 

"For real Mione"

"It's Hermione"

"Fine. Hermione, Why...did..you..choose..me?" By every word he got closer and closer to the point our lips were brushing against each others and torturing me along the way. Taking a step back I finally answered. 

"My reasons are my reasons. Now see you later Mr. Malfoy but I really must be going , Remember first episode is at sun down. Hair and make up will be in here in 2 hours along with some food. Chow !" I smirked and walked away. 

Hurrying to the door and the appariting to my door outside my house. I looked back seeing Draco leaning against his balcony with a smirk on his face. 

Draco's p.o.v. 

As I watched my ex-fiance walk into the lake house , I herd a knock at the door . I know it had not been two hours yet , so was at my door. I opened the door and there stood weaslette . She had her hand on her hip and a look that screamed 'move so I can come in' I moved along to allow her to come in. 

"Malfoy see you're bags are not unpack here let me help you while we chat ? Kay cool" She whipped her finger and then my clothes began to put their selves away into the drawers in my closet. She sat down on my green couch I sat far away but turned my body to talk to her. 

We hadn't talked since Blaise announced to me that I would be his best man at their wedding after the show ended . Blaise and Ginny really balanced each other out. They had only been together for two years but Blaise said that Ginny was his love of his life . He waited for her to get over Harry when they broke up and Harry ended up dating Cho Chang. 

"Is this wedding business Ms. Zabini ?"

"Why did you and Hermione break off things?"

"Well besides she stood me up at the alter....I never got a reason.." I said looking down.

"Ginny why did she bring me back?"

"Wish I could tell you mate , but she wont even tell me"

"I don't want to be with any of these women, honestly I only came back because this is her show" I said looking her in the eye. 

"I know , That's why I have a plan to get you and Hermione back together." She responded with a devilish smile . I'm not sure where this going but I know I like this already. I smirked and looked over at the fire that I snapped a balzed with my index finger and thumb. Above the fireplace was a photo . It was home now. 

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