Chapter 4 - Austin Williams!!

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"Thank you so much for being my protective shield, Cali. I'm highly obliged", I said sarcastically.

"No need to be sarcastic", she frowned.

"Fine, I'll think about it", I replied and she squealed. She hugged me saying Thanks nth time. As much as I hate the bad boys, more than that I love Cali.

I bid her goodbye and moved out of college but the back of my mind suggested how about to give a walk at the back of the college, to my place?. Maybe that lone boy has read my letter? Maybe he has replied?

I was like super tired and my legs were not supporting but they say, 'Curiosity kills the cat'. So, I being a very curious girl ever walked to the said place.

Once reached I saw a paper, a yellow one was placed beneath the stone. I quickly grabbed it and looked everywhere once. Being fully confirmed that no one watching me, I opened the letter.

It says,

"I'm so scared with your threats. I'm trembling. Happy? But this is not your place, I'll come here whenever I want. Hope you get my answer, miss happy oops sorry, Miss Angry girl"

Lone boy.

Oh, how much I wish to strangle him right now. He's the most idiot boy I've ever met. I tore the letter into pieces and threw the pieces in the air and moved back angrily.

I took faster steps to my home, I was such a fool to go to look for his answer. Obviously, I was expecting such a response but it actually had made me angry like hell.

If he would've been talking to me online, I would have taught him a lesson, but now I can't. He replied to me in a letter and I don't even know him.

But I'll ignore him, he is not worth my anger even. If ever I'll see him someday, I'll for sure give him a piece of my mind. I'm very positive about it.


I came back home with a hot head due to a stupid stranger named Lone boy about whom I know not but still he has the ability to get on my nerves.

I threw my bag on my study table and changed into my comfortables and then grabbing my laptop, I plonked on my comfy bed.

I turned on One Direction songs in my laptop and started surfing sites. I first opened Facebook and stalked Nial Morgan. What can I say? It's my daily routine to stalk him.

He had added some pics with Tori, his present girlfriend, both enjoying at some place. I felt jealous but I didn't stop checking out his page. He hadn't added any recent post, except these pics. Logging out, I moved to Twitter and there also, I follow Nial but no update there also.

I opened Instagram and found Cali has added few pictures with Max and got too many likes. I sighed and closed my laptop. I don't like posting much or adding pictures into these sites.

After about an hour or two entertaining myself with youtube, I moved out of my room and went downstairs and saw Julian was teaching something to Kian but he was not paying attention.

"What's going on here?", I asked.

"Cole just see this boy, he's not a bit interested in studying. I'm trying to teach him this poem, his teacher has given as homework and he isn't a bit attentive", Julian complained.

"I don't want to study. I want to go out and play", Kian pouted and I looked at him in awe.

"You do help me Cole with this stubborn kid", Julian looked at me with hope.

"Well, okay. If Kian will read this poem by heart then I'll take him to Cali's home", I said looking at Julian but at the periphery of my eyes, I was noticing Kian's reaction.

"I'll read it. Mom tell me the poem now. I want to go", Kian jumped in joy and I suppressed my laugh. Julian looked at him in amusement.

This kiddo is so into Cali!!

I left them and called Cali informing her about our arrival at her place. She was super happy about it.

One hour later, I and Kian were sitting in my car. He has taken really too long time to wear something good as he is going to see Cali. Seriously, this boy is crazy for her.

"Ready champ?", I asked and he grinned saying, "Let's go, sis".

I laughed and kicked the engine and pulled the car on the road. We talked a lot, means a lot. He told me about his friends and a girl in his school who irritates him so much and he doesn't like her. He told me about his teachers. We sang his favourite song and talked about his favourite cartoon character Ben Ten. He's his fan.

The drive was smooth and we reached Cali's home. Kian jumped out without waiting for me and ran to her door. I followed him laughing but he was short so his hands didn't reach the doorbell. He's a fan of ringing doorbells also.


"My my, what happened? You're so eager, ain't you?", I teased him.

"Help me", he spoke and extended his both hands to me and I picked him up. He rang the doorbell and them clapped excitedly. I laughed and kissed his cheeks.

Soon, the door opened and I was shocked to see the least expected person.

"You?", I exclaimed and Kian by now jumped on the ground and ran inside without waiting for me.

"Hello to you too Anderson", he said with a smirk.

"What are you doing here Williams?", I asked.

"Come inside. We have a lot to catch up", he said and I entered with one thought in my mind.

This is going to be a long talk!!


Hey cupcakes! How's you?

Hope you like the chapter.

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Instagram: soul.musical.

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Love you all..

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