Chapter I: A Rude Awakening

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On a cold summers night, the stars did not shine, the moon did not hide its hind side, the lights of the city fell off the grid one by one, and the cars and houses were taken from sight, as I was whisked away by a glowing wind while in a modest state of slumber.

A gruff landing upon a full harvest of wheat and a vineyard of grapes not too far off, I awoke. Upon my arrival in this strange land I received curious looks. Tall and oddly dressed men looked down at me. For their height, I must take into consideration I still laid on the hard ground propped only on my elbows. Scared to stand and prove I was a threat to the man with a dangerously sharpened sword at the ready, I remained still.

Before either of us could speak a vowel, the crowd above me parted for a man in a long white robe, some might even say a towel, bearing a bright red strip on the hem. This impressive young man shouted orders. I was lost in my thoughts of his clothing, so his words were a rude awaking to me, though for the man with the sword it meant far more. He raised his blade, which gleamed in the summer sun mesmerizingly so. In response I stood in stunned amazement. Only a moment's hesitation held this odd man, but that was long enough for the toweled man to take his arm and question my bravery.

"Bravery not sir, amazement. I had only heard of people such as your self in story books, history books as well. Though to be in your presences is an honor. Your glory is far grander than any other portrayal of your greatness. May I ask what it is you call yourself?" perhaps to have spoken those words were of bravery though my actions were of the truth I spoke.

"You will call me Master, for you are now my slave! Tell me I order you what these history books are; I am not of the past, I rein in the present, are you threatening me? I have heard of plots to take my life, I will spare yours if and only if you grant me the knowledge of which you possess, perhaps then the gods may favor you then, choose to refuse I will command the sword to free your soul only for it to fall beneath the fertile earth to Pluto God of the Underworld." His tone authoritative, though the small hints of desperation for his life shone through with his threat of hades.

"You will know what is to become of you if and only if I am freed of the bonds of a slavery, and if I am risen to a seat of great riches in this here empire of Rome." a moment of hesitation took upon his features, "The sword will return me to my seat awaiting me atop the great mountain of Olympus, for Hades can not hold a God of my stature beneath his rule, nor can you without grave consequence to you, your riches, and your empire"

The hesitation ceased for but a short moment in time. "Of which God were you born?"

"I told you my seat resides in the grand court of Olympus, how dare you question a God of my altitude, for this I shall punish you, scorch you land with the fire's of the heavens, but mercy shall be, free me, free all the others you claim as your slaves, and then perhaps the gods will then remain at rest with your flawed human ways." as to emphasize all I had said a wind strong like a storm blew through the wheat with such force it caused grains of the surrounding wheat to fly high into the sky and away into the countryside.

"I apologize profusely. Please forgive my ignorance. You and all those who work below me as slaves shall be set free, released of your bonds from here on out and granted citizenship." he turned swiftly to the blade wielding man, "do spread the news of freedom, tell them a goddess has shown mercy upon my poor soul and I upon theirs in return. Quickly I beg of you!" The man ran off through the field.

I stood triumphant and proud. "Tell me what is it you call yourself."

"Oh again my Goddess excuse my idiocy, Julius Caesar. Allow me to provide suitable clothing as well as any other items or services you shall require within the duration of your stay, in my humble Kingdom."

For the first time I realized I was still clothed in modern pajamas with a heavy blanket draped around me, such as his towel or rather toga was around him, "As you see fit."

As I went to follow Julius Caesar to where ever he would lead me to, his home I would presume, a thump upon the ground caught my attention. Taking a small step back to examine that of which caused the distraction I spotted the reflection of the sun upon the glass screen of my phone. I bent to pick the familiar object into my pocket. It must have caught in the folds of my blanket while I tossed and turned in my sleep.

Again Curious glances held me in place. A young slave girl kindly questioned the object in my hand.

"Of course I could expect no less than curiosity at this device. This is my telephone. A device of communication from this I can speak with whomever I please as well as seek the answers of which I do not know."

Fascinating how can it do all of this that you speak of?" she questioned further.

"The Internet connects all the people of m sorts very few are denied access to this technology, allow me to show you, though it may not be in proper working condition." I bought the small screen to life and gasp of wonder filled my ears. Just as my phone was unlocked it began to ring. My alarm was set to wake me up but I was already awake and well on my feet. The song was loud and prominent, everyone stepped away curiously cautious.

"Enough! We shan't question the workings of the Gods, they are beyond us we have no hope of understanding such advancement, let us not intentionally bring harm upon ourselves you are all dismissed, leave us." Julius ordered in the only tone of voice he seemed to be capable of around others he saw beneath him.

Hiding the now silenced device in my pocket I was thankful I was not forced to explain its workings for I had little knowledge of that myself.

Again we set off through the boundless field of wheat to his place of rest and comfort. In the distance I could see the peaks of great buildings all stone white and some so incredibly tall the effect was breath taking, how magnificent!

Julius Creaser's home was far grander than the rest. The white stone was immaculate, surrounding shrubbery was kept just as the rest, and the small fountain the greeted those who were to entered pouted water through a lions mouth into a basin not to far below.

"Do not fear, lead pipes supply water within the house, the fountain here is for decoration. Only those unworthy drink from the fountains I will assure you."

"It is not the fountains I fear, the lead pipes will cause far more sickness only to lead to death in the end. The lead will poison the water but, these fountains are beautiful and will bring great health to those who drink from them." Taking a confident step forward I cupped my hands together pouring the mineral rich water down my throat.

"Your wisdom is too great, by sharing you pity the people, though save us from death." He followed my actions with a prayer of gratitude in addition.

"Shall we continue the tour?"

"But of course." He led me through the house of which centered around a mystical courtyard filled with greenery and a small pound sprouting lilies. "I will ready your temporary room immediately, you may choose to wait here if you so desire." He bowed to me then.

"So I shall, retrieve me when you have finished I wish to sleep at the earliest convenience." After promising to do so he left.

Watching the water ripple in the wind I contemplated my current situation, was this a simple dream or an odd reality? I pinched myself causing the skin on my arm to glow a bright red; the pain sparked slowly subsiding after. This simple experiment was hardly reliable; I kindly asked for the guard nearby to hand me his sword. Knowing who I supposedly was he did as he was told before I dismissed him and the others. I took the blade to my inner arm and drew a long line to my wrist. The pain was almost unbearable, the blood was profuse. Running to the pond I rested my arm within its waters patiently awaiting the pain to vanish or weaken its hold. I removed a small piece of cloth from beneath a vase of flowers and wrapped my still bleeding arm with it. The dream I had wished this was, was no longer a possible explanation.

In the Time of RomeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora