"Let's just go in yeah?" he changes the subject immediately. That makes me frown for a moment, but I know I've pushed this enough for tonight. He needs time to let everything sink in. Just like I do.

I follow him into the house and he disappears for a few minutes to his office while I walk upstairs to our bedroom. My feet are killing me in these heels and I feel beyond tired as I kick them off my feet and place them neatly in the wardrobe.

I twist awkwardly in front of the mirror as my fingers try to reach for the small zip centred directly in the hardest place for me to reach.

"Need some help?" A blush colours my cheeks as Xavier leans against the bedroom door, amusement evident in his voice and eyes.

"Please" I answer, moving my hair to the side as he steps closely behind me.

His warm lips touch the back of my neck and my breath immediately stills. The simple touch is enough to warm my entire body and the smile on his lips let's me know he felt my reaction. "I really do love this dress."

His fingers undo the zipper. They're cold against my hot skin and he goes painfully slow on purpose. He grazes them across my back until he reaches the bottom when the dress slides from my body.

I can see his eyes darken as I stare at him through the mirror. His eyes openly roam over every inch of my skin and the black lace bra and panties I'd thrown on without thinking about. "When did you buy these?"

Arnica made me buy them a few days ago. They're more showy than the others I have and the bra highlights my breast much more than I'd like. I'm already insecure about they're large size.

"A few days ago" I feel like covering myself under his burning gaze, but I know he'd just remove my arms if I tried to. "They're a bit to revealing for my liking."

"They're sexy, you're sexy" he breathes, his fingers run softly along my sides and goosebumps begin to appear on my skin. "I - you - fuck I can't even talk" I giggle at his loss of words and the sound makes him smile as he curls his arms around my waist. "You're beautiful."

I pull my bottom lip between my teeth when his hand rubs my currently flat belly. He doesn't say anything, but I know he's overthinking something in that head of his. His hand is so big it currently covers my entire stomach and I have to suck in a breath when he places another kiss to my shoulder.

I'm not sure whether it's hormones or just because we've both been to busy to spend time with each other lately - it's probably a mixture of both but either way, it makes me want him. Badly.

"You're making it very hard for me to control myself" he whispers against my skin. "Especially if you keep staring at me like that."

Is it that obvious that I'm incredibly turned on right now? I don't know what's wrong with me. I can't go from being a crying mess to wanting to rip his clothes off in under an hour.

"What are you thinking?" His gaze meets mine in the mirror and I speak before I even think about what I'm saying.

"I want you" I whisper, his eyes darken further as his grip on my waist tightens, I can see him trying to control himself as stares down at me.

"You were crying twenty minutes ago" he answers, but his lips still fan the side of my face.  I can see the evident bulge at the front of his jeans, it makes slowing my increasing heart rate more and more difficult. "You've had an emotional day, we both have. Are you sure that's such a good idea?"

Dangerous Lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें