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I sat on the die of the road, watching the sunrise.

It was summer, so it rose before anyone was up, but I liked it better that way.

The colors melted together, bright and warm watercolors fading into each other like a painting.

I finally stood back up and walked back the street from which I came from.

I opened the door to my house quietly and shut it behind me, being careful not to wake my younger brother.

I went to the kitchen and started quietly making coffee. I poured it out into my favorite Narwhal cup.

I drink my coffee black, no creamer. Too much sugar, and sugar means calories. I avoid calories whenever I can, so I had to adjust my taste in coffee from creamer and sugar to just black coffee.

It was still good, it kept me awake.

I sat down to draw and drink my coffee, getting out a sheet of paper and my drawing pencils.

I wasn't sure what I was drawing, but I got so sucked into it that I didn't hear a voice behind me.

"Phil?" A weak voice yawned behind me.

I turned around so that I could see my little brother, Erin, with his stuffed animal and looking sleepy.

"Hey, Erin." I said with a smile.

"Go back to bed, okay? It's still a bit early." I said, looking at the clock on the wall.

"6:30" The clock read, taunting me. "You shouldn't be up either, you know." It practically screams into my brain.

"But, Philly, I want to stay with you." Erin says quietly, a yawn sounding at the end of the sentence.

"Well, I'll come into your room until you fall asleep again, is that okay?" I say, trying to keep my voice upbeat but soft, in case my mom hears us talking.

He nods and I lead him back to his room. I sit on his bed, watching him and running my fingers through his dark hair until he fell into a deep and peaceful sleep.

I silently walk out of the room, pulling his door closed behind me.


nO oNe iS gOiNg tO ReAd tHiS bEcAuSe I aM TrAsH sO I sHalL jUsT TyPe LiKe ThIs

So yeah...

-Mikey ^_^

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jul 06, 2016 ⏰

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