Twenty-First Chapter

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Turned out he really was right. When I left the room and he got trapped inside, that time I didn't do anything. The same happened when he left me. I knew he would never do such a thing. I know he's a jerk and I can expect really rude stuff from him, like giving me extra work, but locking, that's something only mentally ill person would do.

"Oh, I get it now. Sorry." Was I blushing? I had no idea, but I hope I wasn't because that would be so weird.

"And why would I lock you? I'm not some kind of kidnapper or a mad men." 

Kidnapper, no. Mad men, well it's a topic I don't want to debate on right now.

He moved to the couches and sat. I also followed him and sat on a couch in front of him. He rested his head on the couch and closed his eyes.

The moment he closed, I got up and cried wide-eyed, "What are you doing? You can't sleep, you need to get me out of here."

"I was not sleeping. I was thinking." He looked at me and then again closed his eyes.

My stomach grumbled. I looked at him, hoping he wouldn't have listened the rumbling sound of my tummy, crying for food.

"Well, think fast I'm---" I said, nervously moving on my seat.

I'm glad I didn't tell him that I haven't eaten anything. Actually, it was because of him. He didn't let me take a break and I couldn't eat anything because of him. I need food.

"Is there something wrong? It looks like you're uneasy." He asked. "If it's about the door. We'll get out." He assured and a part of me now really felt safe and satisfied.

"No, it's this attire, it's so uneasy." Well, I didn't tell him about my crying tummy, but I also didn't lie. I really do hated this attire, it was so tight and was suffocating me.

"You can change."

Yeah, I can.


"There's a changing room, attached to the bathroom. Just go to that door." I saw a door which I really didn't notice.


"How did you know that I can change. I mean that I have clothes with me." I asked puzzled.

"Well, when you came with my dad outside in the parking lot, you were wearing casual clothing when the office hours just ended and on the same day I saw you in office attire, so I thought you might bring clothes with you. You also told me you keep spare clothes with you in case anything happens."


He remembers everything. 

I moved to the door he mentioned. Pushed--- didn't open.


"What?" He looked back from the couch.

"How can this door be any different from the others. We're trapped and now we don't even have a bathroom."

"You really need to use one?"

"No, but what if I had to." I walked back to the couches. "No one should've such doors, neither at office nor at home." I added. 

"It's new technology."

"Your new technology trapped us inside."

He didn't say anything.

"Hey, these doors and stuff are controlled by your phone. Maybe you should trying opening from there." I suggested.

He produced his phone from his jeans and turned the screen on. I moved up to him and stood near him.

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