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Harry's P.O.V
I sat in the very uncomfortable recliner next to Louis bed as he slept while I held our son. I love saying that. OUR son. Louis always told me he didn't want kids but once he found out he was pregnant with our baby I didn't know who was more excited; me or Louis.
        His pregnancy was perfect, he didn't gain a lot if weight, he was so worried about gaining weight. No morning sickness except when our son was first conceived. And a very easy labor. And at 3:35 AM on January 21st Louis gave birth to our beautiful 5 lb. 10 oz. baby boy Freddie Reign Styles. 
        As I sit in the recliner with Freddie I can't help but look in his eyes and think of song lyrics, I sing whatever comes to mind. " I loved you first, I held you first, and a place in my heart will alway be yours. From the first breath you breath you breathe, till you first smile at me. I know the love of a father runs deep." As I finish the last lyric I hear the sheets crumble as Louis stirs awake and rubs the sleep out of his eyes and mumble as sleep filled "hey love" he smiles when he opens his eyes and sees Freddie in my arms. 

I loved you firstUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum