Chapter 2

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ash's pov

I pushed the door open to enter backstage, sighing after the events of today's show. Glancing to my right, I saw Andy sitting on the black raggy sofa, his elbows resting on his knees as he stared at the wall opposite him with a cigarette lodged between the fingers on his left hand. He seemed to hold a somewhat stressed vibe. He inhaled, resulting in a rise of his chest before exhaling and releasing a cloud of dull grey smoke from his lips.

I walked in further causing Andy to turn, facing me with a slight eyebrow raise. He looked me up and down for a second before turning back to face the crumbling wall in front of him. Something was wrong. Andy and I were like best friends; I knew him well enough to know that this was odd after-show behavior. I slowly made my way over to the sofa and sat down next to him.

"hey dude... you alright?" I asked cautiously as to not agitate the smoke smelling man.

Andy once again took a puff of his cigarette and sighed, his face seeming mostly melancholy.

"yeah... I just thought..." He paused for a moment before continuing, "you know what, never mind..."

Andy slowly stood up and was about to leave. Something was definitely up and I was extremely reluctant to let him leave without telling me. He began to take a step forward to leave but I hastily grabbed hold of his wrist with both hands without thinking. He stopped and glared down at me, giving me a 'what the fuck?' look.

"You're seriously not going to tell me what's up?" I asked, not letting go of his wrist.

"maybe nothing's wrong. Ever think of that?"

"Andy, I've known you for too long, I see right through you like a fucking window."

Andy closed his eyes and sighed once more before sitting back down. I let go of his wrist.

"Fine then you persistent twat." He said jokingly, yet showing no sign of humor on his face. "All my life I've had to deal with people making fun of me for the way I look or the music I listen to. To put it bluntly, I was only keeping myself alive on the face that I saw a brighter future for myself, and don't get me wrong, I am extremely happy to have been able to create Black Veil Brides... I just... I just thought that once I had achieved my dream and entered adulthood that the silly taunts would stop. I know it's petty and it's only one fucker being a prick but, I just want to be free to be who I want, dress how I like and listen to what I want without being judged by society."

I paused, thinking about how to reply.

"You just need to surround yourself with the right people because wherever you go and whatever you do, there's going to be somebody that disagrees with you in some way. It sounds like an obvious thing to say, but just don't listen to people that put you down or tell you things you don't want to hear. Think of them as flies. They may be annoying as fuck and buzz around disturbing you, but if you open a window, they'll go away and you wont have to hear that annoying sound they make anymore."

Andy chuckled for a split second before his lips quickly turned back into a straight line once again. "Only you could make up some crazy shit like that to solve my problems... thanks man..."

Literal Hell (Andley) (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now