Thin//h.s[[short story]]

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Maybe I'll have friends if I was thin

Maybe my mother would accept me if I was thin

The thoughts started small, but they seemed to fit in with every situation in my life

Maybe I'll get this job if I were thin

Maybe I'd be able to love myself if I were thin

Maybe he'd love me if I were thin


lolol somebody stop me i can't be making anymore fanfictions omg


I think I'll be able to write Christinas emotions better than some people who write about eating disorders because I've been bulimic and Anorexic. I know people think it's just "not eating" or "purging" but it is so much more than that. It messes with your brain and even when you've """stoped""" you never really stop It's such a struggle getting through everyday, a fight even. It's especially hard to not go back to your old ways; that might just be the hardest part.

If ever you're feeling like you need to starve yourself, of purge just to be pretty: PLEASE talk to me. I cannot stress enough how much it will ruin your life. I'm not ashamed to say that I was Anorexic for the longest time. And as much as I regret it . . . it was still apart of my life. But yeah. Some of Christina's personality will reflect off of mine like "Bulimia just didn't feel right, what's the point of eating if you're just going to be puking it out? So I changed." 

That's all,

I love you guys so much.

-D .xx

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