No one would expect this nerdy looking guy to be a rock star. Hell, nobody would think of him as anything more than a nerd. I think I like this guy already.

I sat on the stool next to Marcel, 'We haven't met properly but I'm Evelyn.' I smiled as he introduced himself politely then he shifted away from me, I was confused until he gestured to the drumb set in front of us.

'Do you play?' I shook my head but he handed over his drum sticks anyway.

'You can have some fun while we wait for James if ya want.'  I gingerly took the sticks and moved to the middle of the huge bench.

'You sure about this?'

He nodded so I started playing. When I say playing I mean like a little kid. It's so fun! Ok I sound terrible but who cares, I'm gonna enjoy it!

Marcel and Logan chuckled at my childish playing while I banged on. I faintly heard a door open and foot steps but I ignored it. 'What the fuck is that god dambed noise!?'

I froze as an angry Louis and James rounded the corrner. My Father looked around until he spotted me at the drumbs. His face looked shocked.

I pushed the sticks into Marcel's surprised hands and looked for Logan, my safe haven. He was across the room, blocked by James.

'I-I'm sorry I m-made a noise.' I won't look at him. I can't.

James walked over to me and tried to hug me but I turned to move away from him. He hurt me.

Sadly for my ego I slipped off the chair I was on and fell on my ass.


Logan was immediately knelling on my right side and James on the other.

'Are you ok Donna?' Uggh, my dad called me Donna, I can't stand it. I stood up and nodded.

'I'm fine and I don't go by Donna. I never have.'

He looked confused, 'But that's your name, Donna Whitmore.' He left out my middle name, mom picked my middle name, it was her middle name.

'I go by my middle name, do you even know what it is?' He looked down and Logan wrapped an arm around my waist.

'It's Evelyn.' Logan answered for them and my dad's head shot up, his eyes filled with shock. 'E-evelyn? Your mom's middle name?' I nodded and he ran his hand through his hair. Guess I know where I get that stupid nervous stutter from.

Logan and James took their places behind the microphones and picked up their guitars. James has a fire themed electric guitar with bright red and orange bolts of color. Liam's was a normal black guitar, it was simple and beautiful.

I stood as far away from my father as possible, I'm not talking to him. Ever.

After about three songs they took a lunch break. Logan brought over a large pizza and two water bottles. He sat next to me on the sofa and handed me a bottle. 'Thanks Lolo.' He opened the pizza for us to share.

Oh man, food. I don't want to eat. I can't eat when I'm upset so I just nodded like I was gonna eat.

Marcel cautiously sat next to me and ate a veggie wrap. I smiled at him and he put down his wrap, 'You ok?'

He hently picked up my wrist, there was a bruise where James grabbed me last night.

'I didn't even notice it.' I admitted and Logan looked pissed off.

'Lolo? What..' I was cut off as Logan stood up and strode over to James.

'You son of a bitch! You don't fucking hurt girls, especially not your damn sister!' James opened his mouth in shock but before he could say anything Logan punched him.

He fell backwards and Logan marched out of the room without another word. My dad helped James up and turned to me. 'What the hell was he talking about Donna!?'

I held up my arm so they saw the ring of bruises. James gasped.

'Holy Shit! Don, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to.'

I wish I could just scream at them, I can't, but I can get out of here!

I ran to the door and ripped it open, I took off towards the elevator and just my luck it was open. Running in and hitting the lobby button, I took a deep breath.

My dad, James and Marcel reached the doors just as they closed. I gave them a smirk.

See ya assholes.

Author's note: Well who saw that coming? They were being jerks and Evelyn has a short temper.


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