Chapter 20: Promises

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*Mini Time Skip*

"Wake up Miss (Y/N)!!! You need to hurry and get ready! Yes you do! I woke you up 30 minutes ago and you said you would be up in 5 minutes! Yes you did!" I heard Mey-Rin yell as she stripped the blankets off of me. I woke up in my old room. What the heck... Well that explains why the bed isn't as comfortable...I groaned as I curled up onto a ball, cold. Before I knew it, Mey-Rin opened the curtains and of course I was only wearing a bra and panties... Lovely...

"Mey-Rin... I don't have clothes on... Why would you open the curtains?" I said, still drowsy as I rolled out of bed and onto the carpet.

"Up! Up! You have 2 hours to get ready! You have no time to waste! No you don't!" Mey-Rin said, throwing my wedding dress at me. Then she threw a corset at me. I groaned at the sight of that.

"You're kidding me, right? Do I actually have to wear this underneath?" I asked, hoping it wasn't necessary.

"Of course it is! Don't be so ridiculous, Miss (Y/N)!" Mey-Rin said. I signed as she put the corset around me.

"Alright. Just hurry up and get this over and done with." I said as I turned around, waiting for her to tighten the corset and let the torture begin. At least it isn't a big corset. Mey-Rin pulled the strings and tightened it as tight as she could. I let out a low scream. After that, she slipped the dress over me and laced it up.

"Done! Yes it is!" Mey-Rin said and I let out a big breath of air. Finally... "Oh, you look beautiful in that, yes you do!" She complimented. I looked in the mirror to see a reflection of me with the waist of a Barbie doll. Oh god... Well, at least it looks good and fits. The dress was white with a red designs and ribbon.

"Thanks, Mey-R-" I tried to thank her, but before I knew it, she cut me off.

"Don't thank me yet, Miss (Y/N)!" She yelled, making me jump. She grabbed my hand and dragged me to a chair, throwing a towel around me.

"What the heck?!" I yelled.

"Shhh! I need to do your make up! Yes I do!" She said, taking this mysterious make up kit out. I've literally never seen that. Where that even come from? Mey-Rin sure is full of surprises... After about 20 minutes of makeup, she took out a curling iron and curled my hair which took another 20 minutes. Right when I opened my mouth to thank her again, she covered it and added accessories.

"Thank you, Mey-Rin." I finally said, completely without being cut off. She smiled and gave me a big hug.

"You're very welcome, Miss (Y/N)." She smiled and let go of me. "Oh no! We have to hurry! We have 5 minutes left!!! Let's go!" She said, picking me up and running down the stairs.

"AHHHHH!!! Mey-Rin! You're going to fast!" I screamed. "You're gonna trip and faaaaaaaaaaall!" I yelled as she tripped down the stairs and of course, I went flying out of her arms and closed my eyes, expecting to crash into the hard floor. Instead I feel on something soft. I opened my eyes to see Sebastian holding me in his arms. He wore a black tux with a white undershirt and a red tie.

"I guess I came right on time. Are you alright?" He asked me. I sighed in relief and hugged him, kissing his cheek.

"I'm fine and yes. You came right on time. Thank you my love." I said, blushing. "Oh no! Is Mey-Rin okay?!" I asked, looking around frantically.

"I'm alright, Miss (Y/N)!" I heard Mey-Rin yell from from behind. I look to see Mey-Rin in Finny's arms as the two blushes. That's so adorable! I ship it.

"Ready, my lady?" Sebastian asks, still holding me closely.

"Yes." I blush as he carries me outside and into a carriage and sits me next to Ciel. He closes the door and drives the carriage. The other servants take another carriage, which Tanaka drives. I look over at Ciel to see he is dressed a little more formal than he usually is. He wore a nice black tux with a white shirt underneath, and a red tie, which is the same thing Sebastian I saw Sebastian wearing. Those were the colors Sebastian and I chose for our wedding theme colors.

The Darkness of an Angel (Sebastian Michaelis X Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang