To Hell and Back (A Xephmadia One-Shot)

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Lewis's POV:

Lewis was shaken from his thoughts when Simon spoke, "Are you alright?" The question rang in his mind as the two of them stepped on the elevator, and began the ride to their floor. Lewis didn't necessarily enjoy being in the enclosed space with his companion, since Simon was rather large, and his scruffy orange hair stuck out in all directions. No one would have ever believed that the two of them could be friends, and found such a successful company as the Yogscast, because Simon couldn't have differed more from Lewis. He had a tall, fragile frame, with his black hair smoothed back and well kept.

Lewis had spent quite a lot of time in his own mind as of late. He and his ex-girlfriend Hannah had broken up nearly two years ago, and during that time, she had started dating someone named Jake. The raven-haired co-founder wouldn't voice it out loud, but he had never really gotten over loving her. They had been together for over four years, and even if they didn't love each other as much as they used too, they must have loved one another at some point or the relationship wouldn't have lasted as long as it did. Lewis knew this to be true for himself, and he believed it must be the same for Hannah, or at the least he hoped so.

"I'm fine," Lewis said simply as the lift shot upwards still.

The ginger-haired man looked over to his friend, worry shining behind his blue gaze, " just seem really out of it lately."

He was trying not to get frustrated with his co-worker, "Honestly, I'm okay...I'm just tired. I've been working on extra streams with the Team Double Dragon Channel," Lewis lied.

"Alright..." Simon sounded as though he didn't really believe his friend, but he didn't press for answers which Lewis was thankful for, "Just let me know if you need anything."

The doors slid open and spilled the two of them out into the corridor that housed their offices. It was early, well early for the Yogscast. It was around nine in the morning, so not many people were in yet. It looked as if Colin, Duncan and Hannah were the only other people in the offices besides the main duo.

When they had decided to rent YogTowers, Lewis and Hannah, who at the time were dating, had thought it would be a wonderful idea for their offices to be right across the hall from each other. Now that they were apart, Lewis had begun to regret that decision.

The halls echoed, and Hannah had left her door open while editing as she always had. This meant there was no way for him to slip unnoticed into his office, and right now, that was exactly what he wanted to do. The raven-haired worker sighed inwardly and began making his way down the corridor, his footfall growing seemingly louder with every step. With one swift motion he turned the handle and stepped inside, making sure to latch the door behind him, but he was certain Hannah had glanced across the hall, and that made his already sinking heart plummet even further.

"Thanks for watching everyone! Bye!" Lewis said as he and the others ended their recording session of their newest Minecraft series. He was relieved as he got to turn off his microphone and stop acting as if he were okay for the fans, and his friends.

Send me your footage. Lewis typed the message and sent it over Skype chat to his friends so he could edit the videos to go up on the main channel. Within a few minutes he had gotten all of the others' recordings. He dragged the files into the editing software, trying to ward off an oncoming headache; Lewis stood to get some water.

Keeping his head low and his eyes on the floor, he headed for the kitchen, passing Hannah and Kim as he went. He cast a quick glance in their direction and Kim seemed no different from normal in her casual dress, her hair down around her shoulders, but something seemed different about Hannah. Her blonde hair was dull and messy and she seemed to be wearing far more make-up than she ever had in the past.

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