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I was freaking out at this point. I couldn't breath and I was having a panic attack. Jazz and Myles were attempting to make me feel better but I was shaking like a lunatic.

The lights had gone out by now so no one could see anything. All you could hear was the light breaths of everyone except me and Mackenzie, who were breathing very heavily.

We had been there for quite some time now but no one knew for sure because everyone had either left their phone with the non couples or their phone was dead.

I closed my eyes to try to calm myself down. It was just jazz now who was cuddling me. It was kind of cold so Myles was cuddling em.

When I opened my eyes, they had sorta adjusted and I can almost see pretty well.

I looked around and saw Mackenzie had fallen asleep in Jasmins lap and the only way Jasmin wasn't freaking out was because she was playing with mack's hair.

I looked at everyone else. Almost everyone was sleeping and/or cuddling their boyfriend/girlfriend.

Next thing I knew I was also asleep. I didn't have time to dream because jazz was shaking me to wake up. I opened my eyes and the lights were on and the ride was moving again.

I couldn't pay attention to the rest of the ride. Max may be a "fuckboy" but he was super sweet.

Him and jazz were holding my hand to make me feel better. Max squeezed a little to tell me that he was gonna go back to Alex when he knew I was completely better.

The ride was over and I got off. We all were shaking and scared. We started walking toward the exit and everyone was waiting for us.

"WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU?! WHAT HAPPENED?" Asked zoey. She's basically the mother of the group.

"The ride stopped. For a long time. We're all ok though" replied Em.

We all thought it was a good idea to forget this and get some food, because we are all fat and love food.

Of course we had to get a churro again for jazz but we also all got Indian tacos. Except Jalyn. She got some fried shit that I don't know the name of. She doesn't like tacos.

We all ate and we realized that two people were missing. Lela and Al were at a different part of the yard that we were sat at. There was plenty of space yet they were kind of far.

The only other person who noticed was me and Mikey. Well Izzy. She told me once that she likes Mikey better but only I know about it.

We watched the two talk for a minute and right when we thought nothing was happening, Al leaned in to kiss Lela. The kiss lingered for a moment until they made their way back to the big group.

Mikey and I looked at each other. She had the look like "don't tell the rest of the group" and I had the same expression.

They were cute but we wanted them to tell the group themselves. We also didn't tell them that we knew.

The yard was so pretty. It was a huge, circle, grassy patch in the middle of the fair and trees surrounding the edges of it with little flowers dotted around here and there. One giant tree loomed over the middle of the area. Of course we sat in the shade of the tree because it was hot as hell today.

We all talked about life and stuff. We went into a conversation about tattoos and piercings and how many we want. Again, Max made fun of me because I'm scared of belly buttons but I want it pierced.

When we finished eating, jazz spotted a bouncy house with actually no kids in it. Of course, the kids we all are, had to get in and bounce.

There was dodgeballs in it and basketball hoops and slides and an obstacle course. Elissa and I would roll down the slide and race.

I ended up going down a long slide with her and I squished her against the side. Whoops. Elissa, Mikey, Em and I had competitions through the obstacle course. Of course Elissa won. She's great at these things.

A/N- true story, Elissa and I actually went to a place where they had a bunch of bouncy castles and stuff and all the stuff I wrote about us Actually happened.

We spent two hours in there but the sun started to set. Yes we were there almost yeh whole day.

It was so much fun. We wanted to watch the sunset together. We all scrunched up together by the giant tree and watched the sunset. The tree kind of covers part lf the sun which made it even more beautiful.

A lot of people in our group of friends were artsy and took pictures of it. I just sat there and admired the beautiful colors mix together in the sky, looking like a painting.

Most people had already left the fairgrounds but we decided to stay for a second longer because Alex wanted to take advantage of all the flowers.

He made us all flower crowns. They were really pretty and we all wore them when we walked out the doors to the car.

We parked quite a ways away. We walked and talked and ended up racing to the cars. We all got there about the same time except me and Elissa. We don't run.

I don't know who won but I know that we drove back to school to get to everyone else's car. I got a ride home from jazz as usual.

Today was fun. Now I don't want to go to school tomorrow.

A/N thanks for reading this chapter of Ohana. It was probably the best so far.

I hope you enjoyed. The next chapter will be just pictures of people so you can imagine them. I need a picture of al still so -hoodiesandtea get on that.


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