Something is there

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I smell something my bitchling sense acting .My guide Riley Bloom and her Buttercup by my side.

I could hear Buttercup seem to sense it too.

 "What is wrong guys?"

"There is a IT in the area"

"Demonic being."

"Most likely." I  shake little.

Not like could totally  get  kill cause I'm  death .

Passed  God knows when,I lost track of time.

 But who really needs  time when your dead right?

 The afterlife is  pretty  much like the Earth plane only your death.

Their is Hellishness but it not  as normally fire pit of doom unless you died of fire.

And Heaven is  little different then just choir of angels.

 Not say there not angelic beings but this  didn't  feel loving or caring much what so ever.

 Both Buttercup and I growl a little.

 Most the time dead beings don't need to eat they could if they wanted but they don't need too.

 But Demonic beings are little  different they tend want blood lust

or if Love Demon possible extreme lust lust.

This was one our "school" assignment  sure we have some  normal stuff like math

 but this putting literal ghost in Ghostbusters.

IT was  near by .

" We  have no blood" I say rather jokey.

No that was the least of my worries it's the sense it could posses me.

 Yes ghost could get posses too.

"You trin' scare me and my friends bud? Are  yah?" I growl more.

 I had to try to be strong and not let the negative being get the best of me again.


A circling of darkness seem to spread.

 Buttercup whimpering little.

 Riley trying to comfort him.

 The being push me to ground 

If had breath I would hold it.

"Hellish being!" I could  feel it taking hold .

The familiar  feeling in the pit in my stomach.

"Riley don't get too close!" I growl 

Then  I started laugh uncontrollably and threw my guide down.

"Ha ha pitiful little ghost girl want to play.... Riley I'm sorry I... "

Riley shakes a little too

" I'm the princess and your the stupid guide!" I smile evil.

 Was this a  jealous one?

I sould see my fist slam through her face.

I try to pull back but it hit me back.

 I growl again.

 So much for rest in peace.

 What a joke!

 There is hardly any peace in this stupid afterlife.

I wish I was  with Herb  with Trany.

Anywhere but there at the moment.

Not trap by that demon 

 not hurting Riley and Buttercup.

 I could feel pain in my throat.

Riley shaking.

 I could see other Soul catcher throwing  ghost chains.

 I hiss and  growl in crazed fit.

"Help me" I cough.

"Don't worry."one Soul Catcher says." We'll get it out."

 It pushed and pulled in me"NOOOO!" it made me scream

My eyes so heavy.

 It was so strong.

Don't let me be this again 



 I  whisper  to it.

 One of  The Soul Catcher pulls  a bottle of  blood and  ground.

"Let's make deal this tasty blood if you get out Mrs.Overkill and leave this area."

The demon  made me drool 

" Promise or we will not let you go." 

 the Bloodlustful demon  made me scream" FOOD!" on the top my lung it seem to burn.


"Okay." it seems calm down abit cause it's hungry was so strong.

They take the chains off.

 I drop to ground and open my mouth if to gasp for air from the being was controlling me.

 A blob of darkness circled the blood.

 "Let's leave Riley I don't care if will failed this assignment."

Riley even when stubborn seem to agree 

Here the AfterlifeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ