School's new dish

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"I... don't really know." Hailey bluntly spoke.

What have they talked about in an hour? Jeez.

"One hour. You talked to him that long, but you haven't even asked him why? You could have just spontaneously spit a question by just hearing the theme." I asked, emphasizing the time.

"I'm sorry, no. I mean, yeah I talked to him but, I never thought of asking him that." She repeated my word, with a sly exchange.

"Turns out the first hour chat you had with him wasn't really that mouthful, was it?" I non chalantly spoke, submerging the bowl in the sink.

"No, not really. It's like I forgot half of my vocabulary and could only speak of the words, yes and okay."

"As if. I know how weird and gabby you get when it comes to Nathan."

I drank a glass of water and ferreted any fruit in the fridge that I could munch on my way upstairs.

"Hey, I'm not like that all the time. That video chat even froze me on one spot. Like, Ooo this angle is good. I better stay this way. Are you getting me?" She protested in a humorous way.

I laughed at her while I headed to my room, "Yeah?"

"Ugh! Do you really want to talk about this?"

After taking a bite on the green apple on my left hand I responded, "Just hit it. I'm listening."

"Okay, so Nathan said, I'd look good in white. I mean, isn't he the sweetest?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Hold on amiga, since when did Nathan became our main topic?"

"Just now?"

I sighed heavily, "The theme, Hailey. We're talking about the theme. Put Nathan aside, awhile."

"Fine, but have you noticed the improvement of his built? He looks as if he has been working a lot on the gym... Wait, do you think it's time we workout on a gym too?"

I shook my head while I opened the door to my room, "Nu-uh, bad idea."

"Why? The last time we worked out was..."

I cut her off, "A disaster. We almost lost our limbs, and broke our spine from those menacing gym equipments."

"Look, it's our fault. We didn't let the gym instructor guide us from working out, as we thought we were clever enough to do it on ourselves."

"And still are we." I uttered a sigh, putting the fruit on top of my nightstand before flopping down onto the bed.

"Well, going back... We are going to wear white." I clearly repeated.

"Casually." Hailey added in response.

"What are you going to wear?" She added, making me glance on my closet.

"I don't know." I muttered silently.

Party. Chase. Chase will be there.

"I don't think I would come yet." I solemnly spoke.

"What?!" Hailey exclaimed in frustration.

"I don't know if I'm gonna make it to the party."

"You've got other plans?" She responded in a sternly manner.

"What? No!" I quickly said. How am I gonna tell her?

Chase will be there.

"So?" My sub conscience spoke.

Falling In Fall (Major Editing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon