"No-not again!" I exclaimed, my stomach starting to hurt from laughing. 

"Hmm, what should I make you do this time?" Luke questioned himself.

"I'll do anything! Just stop with the tickling!" I yelled, my eyes tearing up from laughing. He stop tickling me, but still had me pinned against the wall, so I couldn't escape. I looked up at Luke's face to see him staring intensely at my face, his blue eyes fixed on my green ones. I found myself leaning forward at an extremely slow pace, and him doing the same. 

"Ashlyn, have you seen my-" My mom started, but cut herself off. I quickly pushed Luke off of me and stood up straighter, trying to ignore what just happened. Luke seemed to come back to earth and he shook his head, his eyes widening a bit, as if realizing what we were just about to do. 

"Am I interrupting something?" My mom asked, a smile playing on her lips. 

"No! Nothing is happening," I said quickly, Luke nodding his head in agreement. 

"If you say so," she said airily, as if saying she knew something we didn't. 

"So, what were you looking for?" I asked her, trying to change the subject. I don't really like that look she has plastered across her face. 

"Oh, yes!" she exclaimed in realization. "I was looking for my black heels."

"In the front closet," I sighed. She nodded and went to the front of the house, leaving Luke and I alone. Brace yourself for a load of awkwardness. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to compose myself. I turned toward my best friend (and ONLY my best friend) and put on a small smile, which he returned.

"If we're going to Tyler's before you guys do your thing, we should go like now," I said, making his smile falter. He nodded and mumbled a, "Let's go," before heading towards the door. He opened the door for me and waited as I hopped around trying to get my other shoe on, laughing lightly. The awkward air was starting to disappear, but it was obviously still there. 

The walk there was quiet. I was lost in my own thoughts and he seemed to be lost in his. I couldn't help thinking about our almost kiss. What was I thinking? 

How much you wanted to kiss him, my subconcious reminded me. I mentally rolled my eyes. Thank you captain obvious. But why would I want to kiss him? He's my best friend. 

Maybe because, I don't know, you like him! 

I wish my thoughts would keep their thoughts to themself. Am I seriously having a conversation with myself? I'm going crazy. 

"What are you thinking about?" Luke's voice snapped me out of my thoughts to see that I was about to pass Tyler's house. I looked behind me to see Luke standing in front of the driveway to Tyler's house. 

"Why do you ask?" I asked, avoiding his question and walking back over to where he stood. 

"You walked past Tyler's house and you almost ran into a tree," He replied, a laugh lacing his voice. 

"I was just thinking about how I needed to feed my cat," I blurted out without thinking. He raised an eyebrow at me, clearly not believing me. 

"Whatever you say," he sang under his breath and proceeded to make his way to the front door, me trailing behind him. 

"I'll tell you what was on my mind if you tell me what was on yours," I offered smugly. 

"Touché," he replied, his eyebrows furrowed. 

"That's what I thought," I said to myself. I turned back towards the door and took a deep breath, reaching my hand up to ring the door bell. We stood in silence for a few minutes, waiting for the door to open. When it finally did, I saw what I was not expecting to see:  the same girl who was here yesterday. She was wearing a long t-shirt that went down to her thighs, her long brown hair laying over her one shoulder. 

"Who are you?" she asked rudely. I crossed my arms over my chest in a defensive position. 

"I'm Tyler's girlfriend and I would like to see him," I replied, the same rude tone in my voice. She rolled her hazel coloured eyes and turned her head towards the stairs. 

"Ty! Some girl who says she's your girlfriend is here!" she yelled up the stairs. 

"Coming, Belle!" he yelled down the stairs, heavy foot steps following. He emerged from the living room and his eyes widened at the sight of Luke and I in the doorway facing "Belle."

"Care to explain?" I asked, pushing past Belle and standing in front of Tyler's towering figure, Luke standing right by my side. 

"Explain what?" he asked. His tone told me he knew exactly what I was talking about. 

"Explain why when I came here yesterday to play ding dong ditch, I find you and her," I said, jerking my thumb in the direction of Belle, "doing who knows what! Explain why you felt the need to lie to me about the party yesterday to be with some girl! Explain to me why you had to cheat on me instead of just breaking up with me!" I exclaimed. I'm sure my face was red from anger and my fist were clanched. I felt a hand on my back, soothingly rubbing up and down. I could tell Luke was trying not to lose his temper and lash out on Tyler. 

"Well what am I supposed to think when you are always with him? Luke this, Luke that. How do I know you aren't cheating on me with him?" he asked. He says 'him' as if Luke is the most disgusting thing in the world. 

"I would never do anything like that and neither would Luke! I thought you would know that about me! Luke is just my best friend. Nothing more!" I replied, tears threatening to fall down my cheeks. When Tyler didn't reply, I just shook my head, a tear making its path down the side of my face. 

"I'll just go. Just don't try to talk to me," I said and turned towards the door, pulling Luke along with me by his wrist. I paused at the doorway and glanced at Belle before turning to Tyler again. "Have fun with that," I spat and slammed the door shut behind me. We walked down the driveway and, for the third time in the past two days, I broke down. I immediately buried my face in Luke's chest while he wrapped his arms around me, setting his chin on top of my head. I let it all out, sobbing uncontrollably. 

"You're gonna be ok," Luke reassuered me. And with him holding me like this, I felt like he was telling the truth.

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