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So there was this Idiot with a capital I who was racing down the street. I called him Speedy Gonzales. He sped down the street and got in front of our car and I said "woah there Speedy Gonzales!" And my mom said "right." And then as soon as he got to the light it turned red and my mom said " and you did all that to get stopped at a red light" and I agreed. So after he turned and we did to he started speeding again and almost got in an accident so I go "first you sped just to get stopped by a red light and second you almost get in a accident." So long story short I shoved a whole bag of jellybeans up my ass.



But seriously long story short he kept speeding only to get stopped by red light every time. He got stopped about four times. He was lucky the police weren't there because they a brutal in that part of town we were in. And he lit a cigarette so I counted seven things he has done. Including speeding

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