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The blood was red. Like all blood actually is. But if the red blood is that of someone you love, it's the reddest blood you've ever seen.

When you stand there and stare at the blood, the red color grows in pace with you realizing the blood is the in fact the blood of him.

If you love someone dearly he becomes immortal in your eyes.

He can do no wrong.

He is perfect.

He is the strongest person you know. Nothing bad can happen to him. Who would want to hurt him?

Well, the person who got his blood out wants to hurt him. The person who forced his out his red blood.


Everyone on campus knows who you are, the girl whose boyfriend disappeared. Everyone in school stares at you, stares at the girl whose boyfriend disappeared. Everyone pities you, pities the girl whose boyfriend disappeared.

It has been two months now. Two months since he disappeared. For you it feels like an eternity, your sense of time has been completely ruined. It feels unreal that he's gone. He who used to call you every time the first snow fell and sing christmas-carols for hours. He who used to wedge small notes under your door with coded messages only you understood. He who always had odd socks, just because he never took off the sock you forgot at his place that one time, even tho it was way too small, and pink.

You still remember that day two months ago like it was yesterday. You'd told it to the police so many times that you knew it by heart. It was a sunday. To be more precise the sunday between christmas and new years. The time was half-past-four and he didn't answer your calls. You where gonna grab a coffee in town but he was half an hour late. You'd called six times to his cell and three  to his landline at his dorm. No answer. You where getting seriously worried, he was never late, never. So you decided to go to his dorm. Your steps where quick and your heart was beating hard agains your chest. What had happened to him? When you arrived you saw the blood. The blood on the walls and and the floor and the desk and the broken vase. There had definitely been a fight. Somebody had gotten hurt. Hope it wasn't him.

After that you'd called the police. It had been preliminary investigation, capture and lots of other steps you didn't understand. DNA tests had been taken. Results had come and the thing that wasn't aloud to happen had happened. Result: Isaac Thomas. It was his blood. Isaac had been hurt. Someone had hurt your Isaac.

The suspected had been released. Logan Evans, 21, finance student at Oxford and roommate to Isaac. You never thought it was Logan. You knew him too well, he had been Isaacs best friends since grade school. Logan was the nicest person you knew. At first he had been hard, cold and  real snobby. But when Isaac teared down wall after wall he realized that Logan was a kind, although very irritable, guy who secretly  had a really big heart. Logan had simply been suspected because he was Isaacs roommate, and because he didn't have a waterproof alibi for the day Isaac disappeared. He'd told the police he'd taken a walk alone, which you truly believe. He often took those walks. The police had after refined studies realized that Logan didn't have any reason what so ever to hurt Isaac. He had been released after less than 48 hours. The police had not found any other suspects.


Somebody's screaming your name. You turn around. It's Quinn Fair, Logans girlfriend. She's running towards you in such speed that her hair's flowing wildly behind her. Quinn and Logan have been dating since highschool. She is tall and has long blonde hair. Her eyes  are the greenest on campus. She spends most of her free time hanging on Logans arm and giggling at his jokes. Everybody wonders why such a pretty and nice girl would wanna be with the most dandy guy at Oxford. Of course they don't know that she loves him above all else (and the he gives her small gifts for no reason):


She stops besides you and bends down to catch her breath.

"You need to come with me."

"What? Why?"

She straightens up and takes a deep breath.

"The police has news about Isaacs."

The car ride down to the police station is the worst you'e ever experienced. Your heart beats 111 beats per second and you feel a wave of nausea spreading quickly through your body. Why is this happening now? You who just had started to agree with the thought of him not coming back. And now this happenes. What has happened? Have they found him? Alive? Or dead? You push away the thought, think about something else. Logan had met you in the parking lot. After calling Isaacs parents apparently the police had called Isaacs dorm and Logan had answered. Quinn had been sitting besides him but she hadn't heard the conversation. When Logan had hung up he'd just told her to get you and meet him by his car as soon as possible. Now Logan's sitting in the drivers seat. His hands are shaking and he's white in the face. At the begging of the drive you asked what the police had said.

"They just said that all friends and family should come to the police station as soon as possible."

"Nothing more?"


He's lying. You know he's lying. The police had said something more. Something that's the reason his hand are shaking and his face is white. But why would Logan lie? What could be so horrible that he wouldn't tell you? Or didn't he tell you so you would be happier when you saw Isaac alive? No one simply doesn't do that. Nothing fits together. Everything is just one big mess.

You arrive at the police station. When you're out of the car Quinn gives you a firm, long hug. After a while she leans back while still holding your shoulders.

"Whatever we find out in there, you need to know that we will always be here for you. Okay?"


Then she lets go and breaths out. She gives you a smile and turns away, tears in her eyes. You look at Logan. His eyes are also filled with tears. He take a step closer to you and hugs you. He's shaking. His tears wet your hair. His voice trembles when he whispers;


He suddenly lets go and starts walking quickly towards the station. Quinn takes your hand a you follow him. This whole situation feels wrong. Isaacs disappearance. The phone call. Logan lying. Everything is wrong.

Nevertheless you just keep walking. The small possibility of Isaacs being alive and waiting for you in there makes your feet keep moving. Like in trans.

When you walk through the door everything turns upside down. A soft hand over your mouth. A acrid smell in your nose. A familiar voice in your ear. The soft voice you've heard in your ear so many times before.

"Hi Astrid, i've waited for you. Take it easy, don't resist. It's just me, I'm back. Have you missed me?

The last thing you remember is blood covering your eyes. Tons of red blood.

The end.

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