My First Date

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That was six years ago. I am now in college and I haven't been with a girl for a while. But I really liked this one gay guy I shared a dorm suite with named Collin. I finally gathered up the courage to ask to talk to him privately one day and I asked him out. I stood there waiting for a reply and then after a long pause he said yes.

I was relieved to hear his answer. I had had feelings for him for quite a while. But I was still nervous about the date. The most nervous I have ever been. This was my first date with a man and I hoped he had some experience. Yet at the same time I didn't.

I had gotten to know him really well because we actually share a dorm room. So if the date goes well we won't have to worry about other people getting in our way. He had gone out to go take care of a few things and change at his friends place though so it would be more normal and when he got back we headed out. We went to one of my favorite restaurants. It was called Elliot Bay. It was a pub and brewery and it was a wonderful place.

We sat down at a booth and started to talk. A few minutes later a sexy man came to the table and said he would be our waiter and gave us menu's and asked what we would like to drink. We both said water. after the waiter had left we started to talk. "so are you a top or a bottom." He asked. "Well I actually don't mind doing either way." I replied. "That's good because I'm a top." He said back. After that I knew we would be having sex tonight and I was looking forward to it.

After dinner we headed back to the dorm and sat on his bed. All of the sudden he pinned me to the bed and started kissing me. I was surprised but happy at the same time. So I just laid there and let him do what he wanted. he took off his shirt and I stared in awe at his muscular build. I wasn't fat but I barely had any muscle.

He then proceeded to take off my shirt and started kissing me again making his way down to my stomach. I then pushed him away. "let me take it from here."

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