She broke her own rules and kissed him again, silently thanking him and fearing he would get into trouble with the Devil now because of what he had done. Would the Devil send more men to claim her? Why did he want her?

Was the Devil the presence she had felt watching her at times during these past few weeks?

It couldn’t have been Asmodeus. When he had been watching her at the Eiffel Tower, she had sensed his eyes on her but it had felt different. Not a dark threatening feeling like the other times.

She had to speak with Serenity and Apollyon. They might be able to help her figure out why the Devil wanted her and would be able to protect her. She would pay a high price for asking them for assistance though.

Asmodeus had made his dislike of Apollyon clear during the short hours they had known each other. Apollyon hated Asmodeus too. Putting them together in the same room would be asking for trouble.

She drew back to ask him to come with her to Serenity and Apollyon’s home but the words fled her lips when she looked at him. If she asked him such a thing, he would leave her. He would return to Hell. She would lose him, and probably one of her best shots at remaining out of the Devil’s hands. Apollyon could protect her, but she had felt the power in Asmodeus and had seen him deal with that fallen angel, effortlessly killing him. He was stronger than Apollyon, whether Apollyon wanted to admit it or not.

He was her best shot at surviving whatever was coming.

That and she didn’t particularly want to let him go now that they had rocketed past that awkward ‘I want to kiss you but I don’t know how to approach it’ phase.

“Come, we must move.” Asmodeus scooped her up into his arms and beat his wings before she could even form a response, taking off into the crisp night air.

It was getting chilly.

Liora used it as an excuse to cuddle up to his bare chest and was thankful he only had partial armour. It was much nicer curling up against hard hot flesh than it would have been rubbing against cold metal plates.

“You’re going to be in trouble, aren’t you?” she said and the breeze carried her voice over his shoulder.

He beat his shadowy black wings and took them higher, until they were gliding above the city and she couldn’t take her eyes off how beautiful it was. All the lights twinkled in the darkness and cars streamed down streets forming bright slashes of red and white. Boats caused the wide river to glow in places. The Eiffel Tower sparkled in the distance.

“Perhaps,” he whispered and she felt his gaze shift to her, boring into the side of her face. “But I have a feeling that you may be worth it.”

She smiled at that. How could anyone think this man pure evil? She had only had to speak to him to know that while he held darkness inside him, and was capable of great cruelty and violence, there was still some good in him, hidden away beneath the vicious exterior he wore like a shield.

She turned her head to look at him but he moved his gaze away from her, looking down at the city as they flew over it instead. She drank him in, studying the nuances of his expression as his golden gaze flitted around, taking in the scene stretching below them. The wind ruffled his wild black hair and she ached to brush her fingers through it, combing it back and feeling its silkiness just as nature was allowed to do.

“Will the Devil send more men for me?” She feared the answer to that question even though she already knew it deep in her heart.

The black slashes of his eyebrows met in a frown and his golden eyes darted to her. “Yes.”

Her Wicked Angel (Her Angel Romance Series Book 6)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz