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Lilian's PoV:

"Yeah, well maybe if you weren't such a fuck up, Lilian. We could've stayed, but because you're an idiot we have to move to Paris ."

The words coursed through my vains as venom would, I wonder if it stung her tongue as much as it stung my heart?

I should be used to it, however it's extremely difficult when it's coming from your own blood, your own sister. But I'm not used to it, am I? It still makes my skin crawl, my spine shiver and my chest hurt.

Nobody would ever do anything about it would they? Because she's perfect, gorgeous, otherworldly. And I am simply not.

I don't have the long flowing hair, the long eyelashes, plump lips, thin body, not quite down to the bones. But Just enough. I don't have everything that makes me stand out, makes me special in the good way.

Instead I'm special in the bad way, I stand out because my grades are good, but my personality is bad. I stand out because I'm small, average and disgusting.

I am the reason we're moving, I punched a guy because he slid his hand up my skirt. But obviously he came up with an excuse, and my family believed him. Which resulted in me getting kicked out, which funnily enough has happened before.

My sister carries on talking about how disgraceful I am, how I should loose more weight, how big my pores are, how ugly I am. Telling me things I already know.
Things I have heard at least a thousand times, things I will hear a thousand times more.

As soon as our parents come, she shuts up. But the words ring through my head on a continuous loop. She says I'm the reason that mum and dad are fighting, I'm not. But I'm slowly believing her, I think. But then again who cares what I think, right? That's what she would say.

I wish I could tell her that, she is the reason I'm wasting away, the reason I hate myself and the reason I don't eat. But if I dare bite back, I might die because she's venomous. She would make my life hell, not that it isn't already of course.

I throw my bag in the back of the trunk, I pull on the maroon coloured door and sit down as everyone else is already in the car. My sister leans over towards me, and whispers in my ear.

"What took you so long, you fucking whore?"
Her breath travels down my neck, I can feel the goosebumps on my arms.

"Nothing." I say confident, despite the fear in the pit of my stomach.

She withdraws and smiles sweetly and our oblivious parents.

"Shall we get going." The tone is as sickly as honey. She has the whole family wrapped around her finger, she's scarily manipulative.

If there is a god out there, why the fuck did you think putting me here was a good Idea?

Imma stop it there, first proper chapter although it is a little short. They will be longer I promise :]

Trouble;[Hansol Vernon choi]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon