Chapter 1: First Day of Class

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That's all the openings, you can choose what you want and when you want! Enjoy! (Robin's car is the picture even though her car is midnight purple)

Third person pov

Roronoa Zoro just awoke to the morning sun, when he remembered it was the first day of his new teaching job at East Blue High. He jumped out of bed, startling his roommate, Franky. Franky and Zoro were going to have to go to the first day. Franky, the industrial technology teacher, loved to build ships.

"Oi," Zoro nudged Franky with his foot, "Get up. First day!" Franky grunted in response to the half-hearted kick. "Get up, your ships suck!" Zoro yelled this in Franky's ear, which seemed to do the trick.

"What? I'm feeling super today, so I know they're beautiful. Tom-San would agree!" They both started their day with some French toast and cola. Franky downed his cola while Zoro took his time on his French toast, which was made by their other roommate, Sanji. Zoro silently thanked Sanji for the food while getting dressed. All three boys were prepared to start the day. Sanji was a world-class chef, so he was much wanted by every restaurant in the world.

"Bye!" Zoro yelled to Sanji, who headed the opposite way, to his mustang.
"Bye! Oh, you have sword class after your job today!" Sanji always yelled small reminders to Zoro, and they were never wasted. With Franky leading the way, they headed to East Blue High.

Robin's apartment
Robin lived alone in a very big apartment, almost a penthouse. She had gotten up at 4am even though her job started at 6am. She was the new history teacher at East Blue High. She already got dressed, ate, and looked over the material for the next 6 weeks.

She headed out the door to her Corvette, a sleek, suave, dashing midnight purple. She revved the engine, and bolted down the street.
Once Robin pulled up to the school, she noticed two men walking together. One had long blue hair that stuck up in the air, and the other had short, unevenly cut green hair. They were both engaged in a conversation until they noticed her car, then they stopped to stare. She soon noticed that everyone was staring at her because she had the fanciest car there.

She had turned her car off, and unbuckled. Upon opening the door, she saw the two men again. "Um..." She locked her car, and ran up to the two. "Excuse me, are you a student?" Robin asked the man with the green hair.
"No, I'm the new gym teacher," then the man added, "And my name is Roronoa Zoro."

"Oh, my name is Nico Robin. I'm the new history teacher." Then they shook hands.

The man with the blue hair spoke now, "Hey Mrs. Robin. I'm super Franky, the new industrial technology teacher!" He did his signature pose, arms up and smiling.

"Hello Franky, but I'm not married, so it's Miss. Also, just call me Robin."
"Okay, Robin. Oh, the super 15 minutes left before school starts bell rang!" Franky ran up the steps and into the school.

"Well, I must head to class now. Good luck in your gym." Robin walked into the school, Zoro blushing at her. Robin had her hair up in a ponytail, and a formal but short dress on. Zoro thinks he saw a little bit of her panties.

Gym class
"Hello class, I'm Mr. Roronoa. I won't tolerate any shit in my class. Behave and follow directions! Also, my assistants name today is..." He referred to the name chart, "Monkey D. Luffy." Zoro waved a black haired kid up. He stood right next to the gym teacher.
"Oi, I'm Luffy. Nice da meet 'cha!" He flashed a smile, and a genuine one at that. There was a few girls who blushed but he didn't pay any attention.

"Now, we have 200 push-ups to complete. 1... 2... 3..."
A few minutes later...
"188... 189... 190..." The gym teacher and assistant did them as they were nothing. Zoro looked across the gymnasium only to find 2 or 3 kids actually attempting but failing. All the others were panting and staring in awe at the two physically fit men. "Okay," Zoro said once he finished counting, "200 laps around the track, or else you get a detention!" Everyone, even Luffy, scrambled to the track.

Meanwhile, in Nico Robin's history class
"And so that was how they died. Any questions?" She waited but there were none. "Okay, does anyone have a guess on how their actions lead up to their death?" One boy raised his hand. "Yes..." She looked at her seating arrangement, "Usopp..."

"It's obvious." He nodded and pondered.

"That so? Then how?"

The boy looked nervous, "haha, I, the great Usopp-sama, had annihilated the enemies." He looked proud, and Robin knew it would be a long year.

"Wrong, they had left the infected trees in the ground and ate the produce, furthermore poisoning themselves in hope the trees would still be there." She put her chalk down and walked amongst the rows. She saw a sleeping kid, so she summoned a hand to slap the desk. Shanks walked into the room. "MR. SHANKS!!" Everyone loved their principle.

"Hey, what's up? I hope you're all learning. Miss Robin, I'd like to speak with you for a few minutes," he and Robin walked into the hall, "it's about a student named Monkey D. Luffy. You have him next hour. He doesn't pay attention so I'd like you to also focus on food too."

"Food? Why food, Shanks?"

"Like, you know..." He trailed off, looking away.
"No, I don't know," Robin was serious, she didn't have a clue.

"Okay, please talk about the types of food throughout history too."

"Why Shanks?"

"Once you see Luffy, you'll know." And with that, he walked away.

Gym, lap 199
"MR. ZORO!" A student yelled out.
"It's Mr. Roronoa," he paused, then said, "What, you annoyin-" he was cut off before he could say you annoying bastard.

The student ran up and said, "Miss Robin needs you..."

"Okay. I WANT EVERYONE TO RUN 100 MORE LAPS!!" There was an audible sigh. He was serious, and put another teacher, Ace, in charge. "Oi, Ace!" Zoro caught Ace just in time.


"Is this your plan hour?"
"Yeah, what to it?"
"Please watch over the gym class, I have buisness to attend to."

"Sure, what should I instruct?"

"Make 'em run 100 more laps. Also, Luffy's in that hour." Ace smirked, gave a thumbs up, and walked to the gymnasium.

Robin's empty classroom
Zoro knocked on the door, waiting. "Oi, Robin! What'd you want?"

"Was I disturbing you? I'm sorry," she bowed her head, revealing her cleavage.

"Well..." He trailed off, rubbing his head nervously, blushing wildly, "...not exactly..."

"Oh, as long as I'm not being a nuisance," she raised her head, regaining posture, "I came to tell you about the kid Monkey D. Luffy. Even Shanks came to talk to me about it." Zoro smirked, Robin blushed.
"So I assume you wanted to talk about..." Zoro didn't have a clue.
"About the student, Monkey D. Luffy."
"Yeah? He's a wonderful student."

Robin gazed into his eyes for a moment, then looked away. Zoro approached her, grabbing her chin in his hand, and tilted it so their eyes met. "Did anyone ever tell how beautiful you are?" She blushed and tried to look away, but Zoro wouldn't allow it. He slowly tilted her head up to his. Their lips touched, and they both enjoyed it. She returned it, bunching his shirt in her hands. Zoro and Robin had stayed in the room for a few more minutes, extra minutes.

"Ace, thank you."

"No problem Zoro, I'm happy to see Luffy actually do something right in school."

Luffy bounded up, "Thanks Ace! I'll see you later!" Before running into the building, Luffy gave Ace a big hug, which was returned.

So, thanks for beginning to read my new story! Please comment and like if it was worth it!

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