Well This is Just How I Feel

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           I’m sorry I can't get over you. It’s like you're a magnet and i'm a piece of metal. I tell myself everyday that i’m over you, but in truth I could never get over you. We were together for a couple of months, but it was enough to get you stuck in my head. I don’t know how or why, but you're there and you’re not leaving. That’s for sure. Now I know you do feel the same way, but I sure wish you did. I dont know what to do. You'r just so... So.... great for me. You say you're a terrible person when in reality your just like the rest of us, beautiful and crazy. Once long ago... I wrote a short story on how I felt towards you and never gave it to you. But if you relize this is about you then please dont ask me about this in public. Please... If you ever want to know more just text me or even just ask in person when I have time to answer. But now here's the rest.

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