"No!" I begin to sob. "We have to have hope! We will find her soon!"

"But Zayn! She left no trace! There's no hope-" he begins to cry out.

"RING! RING! RING!" Mr. Thompson's phone starts going off.

Mr. Thompson gulps, and looks at his phone.

"It's an unknown number. Could you answer it, Zayn?"

I nod, and take the phone from his hands.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Dad?!" a female's voice whispers. Besides from being so quiet, I can hear the joy behind it.

I immediately jump out of my chair.

"COURTNEY?!" I shriek.

"Zayn?" Courtney groans.

Mr. Thompson runs out of his seat, and sprints out of his office to find the detective whom he's been paying to find Courtney.

"Yes...it's me! Where the heck have you been?" I ask, wanting answers from my girlfriend.

"I don't know. I-I'm somewhere in-" she stops talking.

"What happened?!" I start freaking out. "Is someone hurting you?!"

"No Zayn. I'm fine," she responds calmly.

The detective rushes in, and interrupts our connection, attempting to hack into the phone Courtney is using to find her location.

"Where's my dad?" she asks.

"He's not in the room. Courtney, I love you! Everything will be alright, and we'll find you, okay babe?" I reassure.

"You love me?" she scoffs.

"Of cou-"

"Stop lying, you dirty liar. Why don't you go back to Gigi, and have some fun with her while I'm gone?! You're such a horrible boyfriend. I hope you burn in hell for all these years of cheating on me. Oh! And say hi to Gigi and make sure to tell her what an adorable couple you two make! You guys were the only people I trusted! Go and have a great life!" she hisses, and before I can reply, the phone is snatched away from me, and Mr. Thompson begins to talk and cry into the phone.

I turn around and notice everyone in the house has joined us.

"I love you too, sweetie. And-no. NO! DON'T HANG U-" he begins to shriek, but is cut off.

He looks up at us, and his eyes land on me

"We will find her," he says with a new energy.

I nod, but fear and stress start consuming me.

She found out...


I grab my phone and head into my temporary room.

I dial Gig's number, and she quickly answers.

"Gigi speaking," she groggily answers, and yawns.

"She found out," I mutter.

"Huh?" she asks, obviously a little lost.

"She found out," I repeat.

"Who? Answer me Zayn! And you better not say 'She found out' one more time, or else-" she begins to mumble sleepily.

"Courtney..." I begin. "Courtney found out about our affair."


"Oh my Lord!" she gasps. "Maybe she ran away because of us!"

I gulp.

I end the call, not even bothering to say goodbye.

You've messed up...

✿ ✿ ✿ ✿

Oh my...

I'm the author, yet I'm still in shock.


So comment what you're feeling right now.


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Jk...as long as you tell me you're from Wattpad, then I'll accept ur request.

But I would love it if you guys sent me that cool message.




Stockholm Syndrome//H.SNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ