Check One Thing Off The Bucket List

Start from the beginning

"I love you too."

We sat there just talking and eating. All I could think of was how much of an amazing person he is. After we finished our lunch Toby stood up. He put his hand out for me to grab.

"Come on." he said

"What are we doing?"

"We are going swimming."

I took his hand and he lead me to the edge of the cliff. I looked at him as if he crazy.

"What are we doing here?"

"We are jumping off the cliff into the water. There is a trail at the bottom leading back up."


I took my shirt and jean shorts off revealing my bathing suit. We took his shirt off and grabbed my hand.

"Jump on three." He stated and I just nodded my head.

"One, two, three" We said together then jumped off the cliff.

We were airborne for a couple of seconds then I felt the cold water hit my body. When I resurfaced I gasped. The water was a lot colder than I was expecting. I looked over at Toby and he wasn't there. I started swimming all around for him. Then all the sudden I felt a pair of hands pull me down by my legs. I screamed then was submerged by water. The hands let go of my legs and I swam back to the surface. After I hit the surface I turned to see Toby laughing. I swam over to him and dunked him. Now I was the one laughing. He came up and splashed me with a lot of water. I splashed him back and we had a war for about 10 minutes. After that we swam for another half an hour. We then walked back up the path to the car. Once we reached the car we hopped in and drove back to the hotel.

Once we got back to the hotel we decided just to order room service for dinner. After we ate we snuggled up on the bed and watched tv. Soon after I fell asleep in Toby's arms.


Today Toby and I are climbing Machu Picchu and I am so excited. I have always wanted to do it and now I am. We woke up semi early and got all of our stuff ready and backed in the car. We ate a quick breakfast at the hotel then made our way to where the tour would start.

Once we got there we got out and then were lead to a bus that took us to the start. We got on bikes and went down hill. We stopped and had a box lunch. After we got in car and went to Cola de Mono the longest zipline in South America. I felt so free riding it. I felt like a bird. I absolutely loved it. After that we got on a train and went to Aguas Calientes where we checked into our hotel and went out for a dinner. After that we went to bed for a well needed rest.


Today we woke up before dawn and we took a bus to the ruins of Machu Picchu. The whole bus ride Toby seemed really nervous.

"Toby are you ok you don't seem like yourself?"

"Yeah I am fine."

"Ok." is all I said because I knew he was lying but didn't want to push it.

We got off the bus and had a 2 and a half hours tour. The ruins are amazing and so old. After the tour we were allowed to explore by ourselves.

"Come on Toby I want a picture at the top of the mountain to show everyone"

"OK go ahead I will get someone to take a picture."

"Okay don't take to long."

"I won't go"

Toby's point of view

I walk up to a man after I told Addie to go ahead. Walk up to a man I meet on the tour.

"Hey my girlfriend wants a picture can you come up and pretend to take on but really videotape it."

"Of course."

"Okay let's go."

Adelaide's point of view

I was looking over the scenery and it is just amazing. I can't believe Toby has taken me here.

"Hey Addie turn around so we can get a picture" Toby said

I turn around and see Toby on.........


Hey guys sorry for the long wait I tried to make it longer. It is about 7 pages worth of writing so I hope it is good. Please tell me what you think  and also what you think is going to happen. Hope you enjoy thanks for reading 

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