nineteen // there's nothing in the world that's gonna kill this mood

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--Chicago's P.O.V--

"So you are telling me that you and Josh Dun broke into your father's study because you thought something strange was going on?"

I nodded, looking over at the taller boy that was walking next to me. "

"That is the stupidest thing I ever heard!" He exclaimed. "Why would you think of even doing that at all, especially with Josh? Why didn't you call me or Garrett for heaven's sake? I'm your best friend and he's your boyfriend!"

I didn't expect Aiden to be calm about the situation, but his anger caught me off guard. "Garrett couldn't afford to miss anymore school and I didn't want you to get into trouble if we got caught. That's why I called Joshua. He doesn't care about missing school or getting in trouble."

Aiden sighed, repositioning the beanie on his head. "I just wish you would have told me what you were planning on doing before you did it. I like to be included in things. However, are you going to tell me what you found in his study? Based on your face, you found something worth mentioning."

I was bit apprehensive about telling Aiden anything about my family even if he was my best friend. My family had a lot of demons and I preferred to keep them in the dark, but it didn't feel right keeping something from him. I ran a hand through my hair in frustration.

"Promise me that you won't say anything to anybody. Joshua doesn't even know what I found. He asked a lot of questions, but he only knows whatever it was, it freaked me out."

Aiden raised his eyebrows at me, shifting his backpack to the other shoulder. "Of course, I won't tell anybody, Chicago. Who do you think I am?"

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, Joshua and I spent an hour or so going through his records before we found anything of meaning. The first thing I found was a withdraw slip from the bank for $350,000. Joshua kept asking me what I found, but I refused to tell him as I dug through the records a little bit more. I ended up finding another withdraw slip for $150,000."

The boy next to me opened his mouth to say something, but I cut him off with a shake of my head. "That's not all. I also found two deposit slips for the same amount of money as the withdraws. That's when I basically kicked Joshua out of my house. Now, I'm pretty sure that he's going to bomb me with questions today."

"Okay, so your dad withdrew and deposited a large sum of money. In case you have forgotten, Chicago, your family is rich! Why is this so abnormal?"

"Has your mom said anything about money being taken from the bank since she works there?"

Aiden shook his head. "No, I don't think so, but she's not exactly talking to me at the moment. I heard say something about $500,000 that went missing to my dad though." He stopped, his mouth dropping open. "No, no, th- that's not possible. Your dad couldn't have taken that much money without going unnoticed."

I shrugged. "Apparently he did and I have no idea what to do. I'm the only person who knows that he did it, but my mom thinks he was involved in some way. She told me not to worry about it and she'll kill me if she found out that I broke into his study."

We finally reached the school and Aiden dropped his voice as we stepped inside. "You have to tell someone, Chicago. It's not like you can keep quiet. Your dad stole thousands of dollars from a bank."

"What am I supposed to do, Aiden? I am not having my own dad arrested!"

"Leave an anonymous tip at the police station or something! He'll never know that you were the one that busted him."

A heavy sigh left my lungs as we sat down by the door. Elodie was sitting right across from us, Tyler next to her, which meant that he and Josh still hadn't talked things out. I just didn't understand how Tyler could be so oblivious and think his girlfriend was sweet and innocent when even his best friend in the world hated her.

It Goes There // Josh Dun + Twenty One PilotsWhere stories live. Discover now