Chapter 7

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Jamie's POV

I knew my parents were telling everyone. I couldn't even stand to look at them or anyone else in my family. I felt so terrible. I always thought about this day just in case it came, but I never thought it would. I began to cry.

Then it hit me... it wasn't my kid. I never slept with Madison, although we wanted to many times. I had a million thought running through my head. Did she cheat on me? Whose was it? How far along is she? Is it a boy or a girl?

If I tell my parents they won't believe me. I have to confront Madison.

Madison's POV

Jamie approached me at school the next morning. I was at my locker, holding my stomach. I was getting bigger now, it was about 4 months. Jamie hadn't talked to me since it told him. I didn't know what he wanted.

"Hey Jamie."
"Hi Madison."
"What's up?"
"I have a question."
"Ok. Well, we never slept together... and you are pregnant."
I hesitated.
"Did you cheat on me?"

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