S-Chapter fourty one: He's going to break my leg, serious, this time.

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I felt sadness stinging my eyes. Why am I so baby when it comes to Zach?

"I am always ready. Only for you Zach. Only for you," my last word is almost a whisper that I'm not sure if he hears it.

"I know baby me too.."

Mr. Martinez heres the papers you need to sign, you have a meeting regarding to the new project with Mr. Tan. If you're not busy we can move it tomorrow at eleven o' clock."

I heard at the back of the line, a voice of a woman. That must be his secretary.

Wait he has a secretary? A woman At hindi niya sinasabi sakin?

"Zach?" I called his name. Impatient. Anger forming inside me.

No Anna don't start with this. You trust your husband. Ten years and he never fails to remind you that it's always you and only you that he wants. I remind my self trying my hardest to forget what I heard.

"Sorry Anna. I need to hang up, there's a call waiting for me on the other line for thirty minutes now,"

I eyed my phone and I saw thirty five minutes plus the seconds that's still counting while were talking.

"Okay. Uhm bye. I Love you.." I sound disappointed but have no choice.

"Hello?" I said waiting for his response checking my phone again. The line is cut before I can even say I loved him.


I felt the bed move waking me.

"Zeth baby?" I say half awake.

I have been used to my kids invading my room at the middle of the night.

"Uhm no, sorry did I wake you up?" He told me.

I flicked the lamp beside me and saw him there standing in front of me. He was removing his tie and undoing his buttons open one by one.

"Zach?" I said feeling my self crying again. I get up putting my arms around his neck.


"Shi– Anna? Have you been crying?"

"No." Shaking my head, lying. He cupped my face so I can face him.

"Shhh.. I'm here now baby." He said to me but my eyes won't stop flowing.

"I missed you so much," I told him honestly crying in his arms.

I have never felt this way of sadness ever before. That kind of sadness you feel when you missed someone so bad you break you heart a little?

He kissed my forehead, my nose and finally my lips. I almost forgot how he tasted like.

He taste of brandy I had to stop. His eyes questioning.

"Have you been drinking?"

He choose not to answer. He can't lie to me.

"Only when I think of you. And you always manage to creep inside my head whenever I have no choice."

I'm not mad that he's drinking to forget me just so he can finish his work. I was mad because his work is doing this to him. His previous work.

3: Her Seductive Professor Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz