Chapter 14

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That next morning came and carried its sorrows and worries into my bedroom.

I stayed home today.

My body had weakened, and my brain had died out. Everything was off. The only sound I could hear were my slow breathing, and the sound of cars driving by outside my apartment.

And also the sirens that reminded me how screwed up this city was.

Niall had left yesterday.

He had taken everything with him, even my thoughts and emotions.

I was still laying in bed, with a thick blanket covering over my whole body. My face was the only thing to be seen.

I stared at the blank wall and then at the spot on the floor beside my bed. That spot was where I first saw Niall when I took him in.

My eyes hovered to the window. I could still picture Niall standing there, watching outside it.

His voice still rang in my ears. It had only been a couple hours since he left but I already missed him like he was gone for so many months.

My phone beeped and vibrated under my pillow. I took my hand and searched around under the pillow I rested on and answered it.

"Arianna?" Hailey asked with a worried tone in her voice.

"Yeah." I whispered.

"Why aren't you here? The professor is angry. We had an important lesson today." She said.

"I didn't feel like going anywhere." I calmly spoke.

"What? Arianna, this isn't something you can just blow off! This is college, Arie. We're not in high school anymore, your whole life before you depends on this," She said before I interrupted her.

"Niall's gone." I whispered. "He's gone."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone.

"Niall's gone? What the hell are you talking about, Arie? What do you mean he's gone?" She exclaimed.

"He took him. His brother found him and he took him." I repeated.

There was a big gasp made from Hailey's side of the line.

"Oh my god, that's great! I mean, isn't it?" She squealed.

"'s great." I answered.

"Arie..I know how much you loved him. But he's not really gone, you're just thinking he is." She said.

"I don't know, Hailey. I gotta go. I'll see you later." I sighed.

"Alright! But come to class tomorrow, okay? I'm expecting you to be there."

"Okay." I said before hanging up.

I took a big huff and tossed the phone beside me on the bed.

Class didn't mean anything to me right now. It's all stupid. I wouldn't have succeeded anyway. No one would accept me. I've just been wasting my time.

Thank god I finally woke up and realized this.

I decided to throw those thoughts away, they were controlling over me again. Those evil and dark voices that I hated always came whenever something like this happened.

Closing my eyes, I didn't think about anything anymore. I fell asleep once more, gripping on the blanket that laid over me.


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