"You have a very good voice" Peyton said after everyone cheered.

"I know" Everbody rolled their eyes and I pretended to be offended. I put in my headphones and drifted to sleep.

"Wake up!" Rowan screamed at me once we got wherever we were going to.

"It's just like morning all over again. Wait, where are we?" Nothing around me looked familiar.

"A beach"Sara said smiling.

"First, what beach. Second,you could have told me to bring a bathing suit"

"The beach we went to during summer. And relax, we will just go buy you a bathing suit at the nearest store" Shannon said. 

"Oh yeah. I love this beach" My sisters rolled their eyes at me,again.

"Well we are going to swim. You guys can go buy Sabrina a bathing suit" Corey said while he and the boys walked towards a group of people.

"Come on Sabrina"Shannon wanted to hurry up. We saw a Pink so we decided to go there. We walked in and we walked towards the bathing suit area.

"These bathing suits show too much skin"That is one of the bad things about Pink.

"Stop complaining it's all you got"Sara kept rushing me. I found a yellow and blue bikini that shows a right amount of skin and a red one piece.

"It's about time. I need to get a tan" Rowan said pulling me towards the car after we paid. We got back to the beach and everyone was splashing each other with water.

"You coming sis" Shannon said once everyone ran to the pool.

"No,I'm going to take a walk. But you go have fun"

"Okay. Bye Sabrina" I have been walking around for about ten minutes and I don't know where I am.

"Hey hottie,you lost" I turned around laughing after I heard that.

"Seriously M. Why are you here?" It was weird that I ran into him here.

"I'm staying at my parents beach house with friends"

"Let me guess,the squad?"

"You know we would love you to come but we knew your parents wouldn't let you"

"My parents wouldn't let me? Did you seriously not know? I thought you guys were supposed to be my friends and family. I grew up with you guys. I can't believe this"

"I'm confused. What did we not know?"

"I was in a coma for a couple of weeks. How did you guys not know?"

"We haven't been in touch with your sisters ever since that one day"

"Hey babe,you coming?" That voice was so familiar.

"Taylor?" I can't believe this.

"Um.. Hi Sabrina. I didn't know you woke up" And I used to think Taylor was my best friend.

"Wow. What friends you are"

"Sabrina,please don't be mad"

"I'm not mad,I'm disappointed in you"

"Sabrina stop being such a baby. We all knew what happened to you. But we didn't really care about it. You have been such a pain lately. We were all kinda hoping that you would just go away forever" I just walked away after that. I couldn't believe they said that. I was trying to hold back my tears but that was kinda hard. I was trying to find the way back to the beach but I couldn't. 

"Sabrina,is that you?" I turned around realizing it was Bradley. I just ran over to him and hugged him. He was shocked but he hugged back.

"Did something happen?" He asked without breaking the hug." Sabrina?"

"I want to go to the beach" I needed something to distract me.

"Come on. Let's get you back to the others" We walked hand in hand towards the beach.

"Sabrina!" Everybody screamed and ran over to hug me. They ended up knocking me down.

"Come on let's go have some fun. Beat you to the ocean" Everybody started running. We were all having so much fun. I will never forget this day. For the good and bad. I tried to distract myself from what happened with Taylor. That didn't work that well.

"Hey sweetie" My mom got me out of my thoughts.

"Hey mom" I remembered Kylie." Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course sweetie. What is it?"

"What happened to my sister?"

"What do you mean? Nothing happened to Sara or Shannon"

"I'm talking about Kylie. My twin. Why is she dead?"

"She is not dead"


Hey guys! I know I haven wrote in a while so here is a little chapter. Sorry for the cliffhanger. I will try to post a new one tomorrow. Love you guys! Have a good day/night!

Question: Where do you live

My answer: Houston, Texas 

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