Chapter 3 *•*

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It's been a lovely spring break. Having sex in the kitchen,  breaking old people's lamps, stealin-.... Well you get the point. But either way, everything was good up until we returned to this hell we call school.

"Giddieon..." Mark mumbled whilst pulling on Giddieon's sleeve. Giddieon looked down and saw Marks worried expression. "What if they come after me.." He mumbled. Giddieon held Mark close. "They won't as long as I'm here." Mark smiled and kissed Giddieon on the cheek. "Thank you." A few moments later, the school bell rung. Both Giddieon and Mark said their I love you's then went to their separate classes.

Mark sighed as he arrived at the classroom pulling up his hood. He ignored everyone's intense stares and moved to the back of the classroom where no one ever sits except him. Like always, the class was filled with boring lectures and easy work. What's new? Oh, right. Who cares? The bell rung and Mark slowly packed his stuff away. "Hey fag!" Levi yelled. Mark looked up, taking a deep breath. Not again....

Giddieon's eyes were filled with panic when Mark didn't come to the lockers where they met up. Giddieon's head snapped left to right as he ran through the crowded hallways. There was a group of people gathered around in a giant circle.

(A/N: We were going to put a scene with Giddieon flying to Mark's rescue and he uses laser eyes, but Dwyer decided against it. <3 Makoto)

Mark shrinked back in fear as Levi and his goons circled around him. Giddieon...Please come quick...I need you.... One by one, each goon landed a punch on Mark. "Stop!" He attempted to shield himself from each of the blows. "Shut up fag!" Levi shouted and grabbed him roughly by the shoulders and slammed him harshly into the lockers. Mark whimpered, "S-Stop p-please!" Mark pleaded. Levi struck him in the face hard and smashed his head into a locker.

"Get off of him!" Giddieon yelled. yanking a pocket knife out of his jacket. Levi turned around, forcing Mark onto the floor, stepping on his blooded face. "Oh no! I'm so scared." Levi mocked sarcastically. Giddieon smirked evilly, and swung the blade at Levi's face, causing a deep wound forming on his eye. "Ahh!" Levi screamed and covered his violently bleeding eye. "Holy shit!" One of his goons screamed. "This guy's crazy!" Giddieon gave a murderous look. "Touch him-" He laughed. "And see what happens.." Levi's goons scrambled away from Giddieon. "G-Giddieon....." Mark mumbled. Trying to reach up to calm his over protective boyfriend. Giddieon winced as he saw Mark's wounds he dropped his pocket knife and leaned down on one knee, while lifting up Mark's head. Mark intertwined his fingers with Giddieons. "Thank you..." He whispered. Giddieon smiled softly, "I told you I'd keep you safe didn't I?" He said in a soft tone. Mark smiled, "I'm glad I have you..."

~To Be ConTiNuEd~

(A/N: •Sniffles• So beautiful....I was crying when I read this...But Dwyer was laughing quietly in the background....Omg this was the best...Yet very heartbreaking chapter I have ever made....With Dwyer again laughing quietly in the background. <3 Makoto)

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