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            When we reached the gates of the villa, Natallie went out of the car, opened the gates, and drove in, then closed the gates again. "Aren't there any guards?" I asked not believing that everyone who entered had to go through this tiring procedure.

"Actually, they're on vacation. Jamal thought it was better to give all the guards and servants a two week vacation until you get used to the place," she answered while parking the car.

"That's a good idea," I replied leaving the car. "Wow! The house is breathtaking! I can't believe I'll live here!" I said staring at the fancy three story villa. My eyes shifted from the glass door adorned with many designs to the front garden filled with different types of flowers to the pool with its chair lounges and umbrellas.

"Wait until you see it from the inside." She unlocked the door and gave a mock curtsy. "Welcome home, Miss Samantha Williams."

"Thank you, Miss Natallie," I said pausing because I didn't know her surname.

"Portman," she said, "Where do you want to start your tour, Miss Williams?"

"Hmm, that would be a hard choice. Let's check on Granny Smith," I said.

"Splendid! Let me lead you, Miss Williams," she replied. We laughed as we headed to Granny Smith's room, which was in the ground floor. Natallie knocked the door twice before opening it. The moment she did, I was stoned in my place. It seems like I jinxed this family. Granny Smith was on the floor unconscious. Natallie rushed to her side, checked her neck for a pulse, and then took her mobile frantically from her bag. After waiting for a few seconds, she said, "Oh Samillia! Thanks god you answered quickly! Granny Smith is unconscious, and I don't know what to do!" She was silent for a second. "Yes, but it's very weak." Then, she placed the back of her palm beside the old woman's lips. "No! Okay, but please make it fast!"

After she hung up, I asked, "What did she say?"

"She's going to call the family's doctor and then come," Natallie answered.

"What are we going to do until then?" I asked.

"I've got an idea! Let's search a symptom checker for what she has and what can we do about it," she answered opening her phone that was still in her shaky palms. I stood beside her watching her google "symptom checker".  She pressed the first link and filled in the questions saying the answers out loud, "Someone else, female, over sixty-five, fainting, fainting, fainting, oh, here it is! Not breathing, not breathing, yes, no, no, yes." We waited for a few minutes before the program gave us several choices to what might Granny Smith be going through. 

I read the few choices asking Natallie if any makes sense, "Anemia?"

"No," she answered.

"Allergic reaction?" I asked.

"No," she answered once more.

I repeated a few diseases including, dust exposure, hay fever, medication side effect, heat exhaustion, before I reached heart attack. Upon hearing the name of the disease Natallie said, "Maybe, after all look at the amount of cigarettes here! She must've been very worried! But wait, where did she get them from?" Before I got a chance to answer, Natallie's mobile rang. It was Samillia. After a few seconds, Natallie and I went to open the gates for the doctor and lead him to the old lady's room.

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