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            "Come on man, you have to come." My best friend, Michael, urged me and so did my other friend "She's really great. Her voice takes you to places you couldn't imagine." James persisted, but I only smiled and continued tuning my violin. "She has her own style, you know? And it's so-" I jumped from the metal step I was sitting on, the view of the bustling city under the bright moon clear, and faced my friends "Yes, I do know, okay? You've told me guys so many times that I already know what you're going to say next; that the way she plays her guitar is so mind-blowing, I wouldn't know what hit me. I know it all, okay?" 

       Michael stood up chuckling, passed me his cigarette and wrapped an arm around my shoulder "Here's the thing though, no matter how much we tell you, it still wouldn't cut it." I blew a puff, hearing the same thing again. "Exactly, and you didn't even listen to her once so what are you so upset about?" James spoke.

          "Just give it a shot, she's playing tonight at nine at Seb's. Andrew already reserved a table for us and we're all going to be waiting for you." Michael and James went down the stairs and headed their way, probably to the pub.

       I looked up and stared at the moon for a while then smashed the cigarette under my shoe, packed my violin and went for a walk

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       I looked up and stared at the moon for a while then smashed the cigarette under my shoe, packed my violin and went for a walk.

       I played my violin while walking aimlessly earning a few smiles here and there from people passing by me. I hear the distant chatter and music coming from Seb's, a famous pub my friends and I used to always hang out in but lately they have been going there without me as I constantly give the excuse of not being in the mood or being tired when in reality I would be trying my hardest to save money. My neck is constantly on the line due to my financial struggles with my violin as my only way of making a living which most of the times is not enough.

       I stood in front of Seb's door, the noise getting louder, cursed my friends and the day that I met them and pushed the door open. The noise got louder as I stepped in but before I could try and spot my friends, my vision is blocked by a large man looking down at me which is saying something considering my 1.83 m.

With a deep voice, he asked "Where do you think you're going?" After a bit of mumbling, I managed to say "I'm here to see the performance." 

"Not so fast, pretty boy. There's an entrance fee." I did a double take at the amount he told me and I fish out my worn out leather wallet. I gave him the amount he asked for, while cursing my friends, making my wallet completely empty except for the paper bills that I still haven't paid.As I payed him, I heard the sounds of cheering and could distinguish my friends' whistles all of which were done after the announcement of the performer's name. 

I scanned the pub, remembering the wooden round tables scattered all over with chairs around them. There are chairs that stand out from the rest since they had to exchanged with the ones the broke due to fight. I smile at the memories of the fights that I have been a part of, earning me my fair share of scars and bruises. A wave of nostalgia hits me as I glance at the stage that holds the most wonderful memories. The wooden stage is almost half a meter above the ground with only a stool and a microphone on a stand.

I leaned against the wall as I watched the infamous red hair that was covering her face, shine bright as the spotlight hit it. Her slender figure sat on the high black stool while the crowd beneath her was holding its breath in anticipation. She tuned her guitar, lifted her head, showing us her sapphire blue eyes, she flashed us a smile and then began to sing.

I cursed my friends one more time for not dragging me in here sooner because this is my salvation.


new story?

1. he's so hot i want to cry.

2. halfway through writing this I realised that I'm going to write a book in a guy's point of view which is completely new to me so I'm sorry if I'm rusty at first.

3. Enjoy!

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