Chapter 14: When You Play With Fire... Part 2

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"Well how ironic we already on the problem. Coach calls me pissed and tells me to get to the arena ASAP. So now I'm worried, not knowing what's going on. I step into the office, in one of the chairs is Jelena- which by the way, you rocked her set- anyway, now I'm super confused. Long-story-short, coach tells me I'm suspended and more than likely gonna miss my first all-star game because "the league doesn't condone violence, especially when it comes to kids and women."....Connect the dots Alex"

She sat for a second, before she bust out laughing. Like full-on, hunched over, about to cry laughing.

"So- hold on, I'm sorry-" She wiped her tears before continuing. "Kelly you really need to control your hoes. But you mean to tell me she pinned what I did to her on you and now you're in trouble?"

I nodded sitting next to her on the step. "And Alex I can't miss all-star weekend, this is my first one and I HAVE to attend."

She sighed. "Well let me think about this because I don't want to confess and miss my first one also. I mean if I have to do that I will, but I want that to be the last resort. When's your next game?"

"Tomorrow night."

She threw her head back before standing up. "I have very limited time then. That's cool though, I'll think of something. Goodnight Kelly, let yourself out."

As she walked away, I grabbed her arm lightly. "Mama I'm sorry for real. I'll be the daddy you've never had... whenever you want."

I saw her try to hide her smile as she tucked in her lips.

"Nah but I'm serious baby girl. What I said did have mal intent at first, but it don't have to end that way." I whispered in her ear as I stood up, pulling her into me so her butt was against my lil man.

"S-stop. Go home and let me think about how I'm gonna handle this."

"Or you can handle this." I grinded against her.

She jumped and lightly moaned before catching herself. "Stop playing"

I nodded, laughing and stopped teasing her, backing away. "Show me love" She turned around and held my cheek, giving me a kiss. I squeezed her butt before pulling away and walking off.

Me and her had our differences, plenty of them- but that was always gonna be my rider.


Alexsa P.O.V

See a lot of men don't get it, but lurking does come in handy. I, personally, lurk so well that if they had a lurkology class I would ace that class with a doctorate degree. I'm just saying my lurking skills are A1.

Due to my amazing lurking, I found out that on this bright and early Thursday morning, Jelena was on her way to Panera Bread to have a nice hot breakfast by herself... And she usually goes around 9. It's 8:03- perfect amount of time for me to get myself together and make it there same time as her. Based on the pictures it looks like she stays and eats there also.

I got out the bed in Melissa's guest room before running and waking up Gabby. "Girl wake up!! I gotta plan and I need you and Melli's help"

She sat up with a mug on her face. "It's not even 8:30 and you waking me up. I need my rest!!! I was up till 3 on the phone with John last night."

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