Through the Wormhole p. 1

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2065 -

'This day couldn't possibly get any worse...' Alan angrily thought, pushing through the foliage making up the jungle path between the Tracy's villa, and the beach, ignoring his older brothers calling out to him. First off, his teacher calls him out in front of the whole class and leaves him with a ten thousand word essay, then his brothers brush him off and make jokes at his expense, and now his dad grounded him from being in Thunderbird One and accidentally starting it up. Great. And his dad won't even listen to him when he was trying to tell him something important!

He really, really hated being the youngest.

Now standing on the beach, he reached down under his jacket to his belt, where a small machine he had made with Fermat to skim rocks with sat. Loading it up, Alan started firing rocks across the ocean, letting his mind wander away from what was currently going on his life.  At some point, Tin-Tin had joined him, and they'd began talking as Alan continued to skim rocks, with Alan venting a little of his frustration. Some of that frustration returned as he heard a rumbling that usually accompanied one of the airborne Thunderbirds taking off. Shortly after, the bright red rocket Thunderbird Three came into view, flying off into space.

'Another mission.. great.' Alan was glad for what they did, yes, but he was still angry at his father and brothers, so of course he was going to be a little peeved at them, especially when they're flying off on another mission somewhere without him. Returning his attention to the sea, he loaded up another rock and was preparing to send it flying off with the others, when a rustling in the leaves drew his attention away. He and Tin-Tin turned to look, spotting his friend Fermat rushing towards them.

"Thunderbird Five has been hit! Thunderbird Five has been hit! Thunderbird Fiv-" Alan hushed him, trying to get the smaller boy to calm down enough to where he could explain fully. Just as he was about to ask Fermat to explain, rushing sea water caught the trio's attention. The three teenagers turned to look, spotting a submarine rising to the surface.

'I take my earlier thought back... this day could get worse.'



2060 -

He didn't even realize the death grip he had on the arm rest of his seat until someone mentioned it. His arm was trembling, knuckles going white at the force he was applying to them and the chair. His eyes were fixed on the hologram in the center of the room, displaying his older brother collapsed on the centrifuge of the gravity ring on Thunderbird Five, one arm around his stomach, the other stretched out across the ground, an awful red stain blooming on his uniform and face, slightly blue hued from the light of the hologram. He distantly heard his eldest brother and second eldest calling out to John, faintly felt Gordon tugging at his arm, trying to loosen his grip on the arm rest. He couldn't focus on anything but the image of the lone redhead in the family, collapsed on the ground, bleeding, and turning grey.

Alan didn't know a whole lot about medicine, but he knew that was bad.

Next thing he knew, Virgil was next to him and they were descending, heading down towards Thunderbird Three's launch silo. The blond forced himself back to reality, realizing if they were going towards TB3's silo, that meant they were going to get John, and he needed to get a grip on himself if they were going to be able to get his older brother back. For a moment he was confused on why it was Virgil next to him and not Scott, but one glance over at him told Alan everything he needed to know.

The second eldest's face clearly displayed his worry, and he figured if there was anyone going to beat Scott 'Smother Hen' Tracy to the punch when it came to his brothers, it was Virgil. Especially, if it involved his twin. Shaking his head, he sat back, letting the machines do their work, getting Alan into his International Rescue uniform and ready for space. He couldn't afford to let himself get distracted on this rescue. This time, it wasn't just someone in danger that he didn't personally know. This time, it was personal. John's life was at stake here.

He just hoped they could make it in time.

Settling into his seat, Alan started running pre-flight checks, making sure that the rocket was ready to go. Satisfied with his findings, the youngest Tracy started the ignition sequence and pulled down his harness, watching Virgil out of the corner of his eye to make sure that he did the same. Briefly, bright baby blue eyes met golden brown, both of them trying to reassure the other.

John was tough, he could make it through this... right?

Turning his attention back to Thunderbird Three, he cleared this throat, and began countdown.

"5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1." The rocket shook as the engines ignited, propelling TB3 out of the silo and into the atmosphere.

"Thunderbird Three is go!" He announced, biting his lip. 'Hang on John... we're coming.'

(Hey there! Welcome to story number.. what, five? I've been wanting to write something Thunderbirds related since I found the series (thank you starman-john-tracy on tumblr, for if I hadn't stumbled upon that account, I would have never found the Thunderbirds.) Anyways, I started out with the Thunderbirds movie, and moved into Thunderbirds Are Go! shortly after, so I wanted to do something involving both of those. I'll explain more stuff later, as I 've been going for too long and this chapter's getting pretty long for me.)

Spring Break (Thunderbirds Are Go! / Thunderbirds Movie)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang