Chapter Five

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   Harry licked his lips. Why did he feel so drawn to Draco, it was intoxicating. He always had been, but now he was talented and nice and so bloody beautiful, it was all manner of confusing. "Could you play the moonlight one again?" he asked tentatively. With even more reserve, he reached out and just brushed his fingertips against Draco's knuckles. "So I can watch properly?"

Draco nodded silently, and they both swung their legs around so they were facing the piano fully. "It's not the hardest piece in the world," Draco said softly. "But getting the feel of it right takes work. It's...well it's from the heart, like you have to pour it through your veins down into the keys, and not lose anything along the way."

He pressed down and Harry felt a shiver down his spine. It was even better now he was right next to Draco, feeling his body move against his, seeing the shapes his hands were making to produce such a perfect sound. He ran through the whole piece again, but for whatever reason he played around with the usual structure of it and looped the whole thing back again for a second go.

Harry felt content to his bones, and hardly even noticed when his head dropped tiredly onto Draco's shoulder, eyes fixated on the fingers walking over the white and black keys. "You're so good," he mumbled.

"Thank you," Draco said back, and finally wound the song down after a third variant through. He dropped his head so it was resting lightly against Harry's, and he gave a small sigh. It was so odd – if Harry had had the energy to take a step back and look at it. But he didn't. Because in that moment he just felt so right and at ease, so much so that instead of pulling away, he reached his hand over and took Draco's to give it a squeeze. "Thank you for sharing this with me," he said honestly.

"Thank you for wanting to share it with me," Draco replied, running his fingers over Harry's, so strong and gifted, and Harry shivered with the privilege of their touch. "Next time you don't have to wear the cloak okay. You can just come join me, like this."

"I can keep coming along?" Harry checked, not oblivious to the little thrill of happiness that gave him in his chest.

He felt Draco nod against him. "If you want to."

Harry nodded back. "Thank you."

Draco laughed. "I can't believe we're being so civil to each other," he said. "Not even a hint of a hex."

Harry drew back and looked into his eyes. He hadn't realised how grey they were before. "I'm done with hexes," he said. "I'm sorry it was so bad before between us."

Draco gave him a reproachful look. "I'm the one that caused all the trouble," he said, putting it mildly. "I'm sorry. I'm glad – I'm glad this has happened. I want it to happen more."

The thought of he and Draco sharing this secret together, their little private concerts, made something hot curl and fizz inside Harry. "Me too," he agreed.

He wasn't sure who leaned in first, how they were suddenly so close, but Harry wasn't afraid when their fingers squeezed tighter against one another, and he could feel Draco's breath glance softly against his lips.

And that was how he and Draco shared their first kiss, sat at Draco's piano in the space they had created together, and would continue to grow together in. It was under the shadow of Beethoven's moon that their love began, and Harry would be forever grateful for it.

The End

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