Chapter 5 - The X-Files

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By time Scully finally gets home, she's greeted with a shout.
"Dana, I know that face... who's the lucky guy?!" Melissa cries out.
Melissa is Dana's sister, and they've always been the closest out of the Scully's.
"Missy..." Scully groans, "there is no guy! Today was just a good day."
Melissa breaks out into a wide grin before poking Scully.
"Dana Katherine Scully, look at you! You're bright red! Tell me everything about this boy, and I mean everything!"
They both laugh before Scully accidentally starts to rant. 
".... But he's a jerk! He's not a jerk," she continues, "he's just... really into his hobbies."
Melissa smiles wide again and stares at Scully.
"What's wrong with that? A guy with different interests never seemed to bother you before, plus, didn't you say this Mold kid was cute?"
Scully rolls her eyes.
"Mulder, and yes, he is cute Missy - but that doesn't mean we're compatible! He believes in aliens and the unexplained and I believe in scientific proof, it would never work."

"Dana, you and I both know how much you like someone who challenges you." Missy replies, smiling back at her younger sister.
After insisting there's nothing between the two, Scully's finally allowed to go up into her room and away from Missy, and she takes the time to listen to her favorite albums. She puts on blink-182's Take Off Your Pants And Jacket and flips through her notes from her first day. As the second song starts to play, a piece of paper falls from her main notebook. She picks it up and reads the carelessly written words in blue ink.

In case you need an anti-alien abduction expert.
- Mulder

The final line was his phone number, and Scully smiled at his little doodles all over the paper, one of which looked strikingly similar to her. She decided to call the number as her iPod went on shuffle, playing very old Fall Out Boy.

"Mulder? It's me."
Scully doesn't know why she decided to reply like that, or why she called at all, but Mulder seems to immediately know who it is.
"I was waiting for your call, Sculls! We should be partners."
"Excuse me?" Scully replies, her eyebrow raise almost being audible.
"For English, since you're the TA and all, I thought you and I could work together to find proof of the existence of extraterrestrials." Mulder replies with a soft chuckle. Scully returns the chuckle before adding "Sure, Mulder. If you can make me believe, I'll make sure you get an A."
"Perfect! Since I know your street I'm gonna knock on every door until I find yours, and then we can get started on this project. I assume you're not at the house with the strange old woman giving me the evil eye?"
"Mulder, that's my grandmother."
"Oh my god Dana I didn't mean to sa-"
"Mulder, I'm kidding. I'll walk outside so you can see me, what should I bring for this alien hunt? My imagination?"
"That, some binoculars, and a mindset that allows you to believe!" Mulder replies, Scully laughing before saying goodbye and showering, getting ready to find aliens with her spooky friend.

"Dana! Can you get out of the shower already?! Your boyfriend's gonna be here any second!"

Scully scoffs and walks out of the bathroom into her room wearing a towel around her, and drying her hair with another towel before dropping the one around her hair and gasping.

"Christ! Who the fuck let you in?!" Scully exclaims, trying to cover up the best she can.

"Your sister! I didn't know I'm sorry, fuck!" Mulder replies, refusing to look at the barely-clothed Scully standing in front of him. She awkwardly moves into her closet and changes in there before stepping back out wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a light blue sweater.

"You can look now, Mulder... I'm not naked anymore." She says, her cheeks red and slightly upset over the fact that Melissa set this up. Mulder slowly looks over at Scully, his face redder than hers. She pretends to not notice the bulge in his pants and he's thankful she "didn't notice" it.

"So, aliens? We're... proving their existence for an English essay?" Scully finally says, breaking the silence.

"I told you I'd make you believe, this is the perfect opportunity!" Mulder replies, flashing a huge smile at Scully. She pretends to sigh and after she lets her mom know where she's going, which she's not quite sure herself, she walks out the front door with Mulder to find proof of what Mulder calls "The X-Files", or simply the unexplained files, hence the X, which in algebra always stands for the unknown.

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