Chapter 2

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Arielle's P.O.V

I parked next to a white Range Rover,since it was the start of the summer semester I bet there are a whole lot of new students,I sigh,I get out grabbing my bag and phone
I push my Ray-bans deeper into my eyes,this school was massive that I can tell ,I make my way to the entrance sighing I walk through it,I notice a group of girls,they stare at me,and I see many heads look at me
"Chickkyy,OLA!! OLA CHICKKY!!! BONJOUR!!"-A beautiful chick shouts,she looks chinese,she wears a white shiftdress and white chuck taylors her glossy black hair is braided,I stare next to me noticing no-one
Behind her a dark-skinned Girl with long black Ebony hair runs toward me,in denim ripped shorts,a minnie mouse crop and Catterpillar boots her hair is nicely twirled and she keeps it in a ponytail

They stop infront of me,I shuffle from foot to foot
"Hey Chicky,we been calling your ass and you's just been ignoring us,sup with that"-Chinese Girl asks,I chuckle
"I'm sorry,but I'm new here so like yeah,I'm Arielle Simons by the way"-i mutter stretching out my hand,they stare at my hand and then at each other and equally they start laughing their asses off uhm okay
"Sorry but here we do hugs,since your our Complete,your now our bestfriend,I'm Kim-Yen Ackerman,this is Addriana Rodrigues"-Kim-Yen says,I chuckle
"Let's just say you're to silent to be with us,let's get your schedule,let's go train train chuckeee chuckkeee chuckkeee"-Kim-Yen shouts,by now every eye is on us in the courtyard
"Don't mind her,she's just letting you know you should be your total self,and well love it"-Adrianna says,I laugh and nod
"Can I call you Kim and Addy"-i ask,they grin and nod
"Totally besties"-they squeal together I chuckle I actually like them already

"And we danced all night to the best song ever.."-we sing in the corridoor as we walk toward the receptionist,we arrive there and she looks at us skeptically over her half moon specs
"Good Morning Mrs.T,this here is Arielle Simons and we'd like her schedule"-Addy says,I chuckle
"Morning darlings,oohh welcome to Cherishville Academy,here you go your locker is 325 here's that key to open it"-Mrs.T says I smile thanking her
We have the usual quizz about each other as we walk toward the lockers
"You're totally like us I mean you even like the same music,well certain aspects of it,who the fuck listens to Bach,who is that by the way"-Addy says,I shake my head
"He's a Pianistic Composer died in some bc,but he's amazing,better than Beethoven"-I mutter,they look at each other
"She's speaking music I think"-Kim says Addy shakes her head
"She's speaking Piano"-she remarks I chuckle
"I play it yes"-i mutter they grin
"I play the guitar and Addy over here plays the drums"-Kim says I raise an eyebrow at a bowing Addy

"So we have Homeroom together,and the most of the subjects"-Addy says I shrug taking my phone out,
"Oohh He's back again this semester I wonder what kind of awful shit he's causing again"-Kim says disguisted,this causes me to lift my head and stare at her ,Addy sighs
"Him,he's your badboy and I mean bad,he's so fucking dangerous,if your walking on the pavement next to him,take a detour,if you see him turn around don't speak to him unless he speaks to you and don't fuck him over"-Addy says,I chuckle and turn around and see a tall buff guy holding hands with a blonde-chick who's skirt barely covers her undergarments,he has floppy black hair and gray eyes,he's eye flick from the blonde to us and its like he's eyes pin me to the lockers

"Ari he is nothing but fucking bad news,come we're gonna be late for homeroom if we don't go now"-Kim says,I nod
"He's girlfriend looks like trash"-i remark,Addy grins
"That's just a hook-up,her names Dana Markus"-Kim says I nod
The way he's gray eyes flicked over me just caused my already blank brain to become more blank
"What's his name"-i ask ,they clear their throats raising eyebrows at me,I just shrug jeez its not like I'm going to marry him

"Layton Black"-they say in unison

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