Kittens X and X Kirikos

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      "Huh? Correct response?" Leorio asks while calming down.

      "We gave the right answer. Silence was the correct response. You hit the nail on the head. Precisely. This quiz had no right answer. However, we could only state 1 or 2 as the answer. In other words we weren't meant to respond at all. Silence was the only response," Kurapika said while putting his finger over his lips.

      "But what about the other guy?" Leorio asks, still not believing.

      "They never said he gave the right answer. She only said "you may pass." In other words, this path is the wrong path. Am I right?" Kurapika says while pointing.

      "Precisely," the old lady said while getting up and smiling.

      "The correct path is over here. This leads directly to the tree. Walk two hours and you'll reach the top. A couple lives in the cabin beneath that tree. They serve as navigators. If you meet their standards I believe they will guide you to the exam site." the old lady says as she looks down the path she showed us.

      "Gran, I'm sorry for my rudeness," Leorio says apologetically to the old lady.

      "Don't be. I don't mind. I do this job because I enjoy meeting people like you. Do your best to become a good hunter," the old lady says kindly to Leorio.

      "Oh, and you, take good care of that wolf pup and tiger cub now," the old lady says with a smile to me.

      "I will. Don't worry ma'am!" I say politely back.

      "Haa. It's no use. I can't think of an answer," Gon says as he collapses on the ground.

      "You were still trying to find an answer? You can stop," Leorio says to Gon while laughing.

      "Huh? Why?" Gon asks confused.

      "The quiz is over," Kurapika states.

      "I know. But...But you know... What if I run into a situation like that and I can only save one person... What should I do then? It wouldn't be right to choose just one... But one day I might have to make that choice," Gon says while really thinking about it.

      After that me, Kurapika, Gon, and Leorio went down the path the old lady showed us. I kept wondering what she meant by if the navigators pass you. My ears started to twitch in annoyance of trying to figure it out.  Unfortunately Kurapika saw my hat start to move around and twitch.

      "Star, why is your hat moving?" Kurapika asked cautiously.

      "What do you mean? My hat isn't moving," I said to Kurapika while forcefully stopping my ears from twitching.

      Kurapika stopped pestering me, but I could tell that he was really suspicious. We finally got out of the tunnel, but we still had to walk a ways before we got to the navigators house. Leorio decided to be really annoying and complain until we got there. I was carrying Snow for a while because her paw still hurt a little bit. Midnight was running around everywhere and sniffing everything.

      "Oh, I see it," Kurapika says while looking ahead.

       As soon as we get close to the house, Midnight starts growling and Snow jumps out of my arms and starts growling as well. Leorio ignores them and knocks on the door.

      "Hello? Anyone home?" Leorio asks loudly.

      "Are they out?" Gon asks innocently.

      Midnight starts to growl extremely loud and Snow starts throwing a hissy fit.

      "Were coming in," Leorio states as he and Gon open the doors.

      As soon as we get in, we all gasp at what we see. The house it completely destroyed on the inside and there is a man laying on the floor bleeding. There is a Kiriko monster standing beside him and it's holding a lady in one hand.

      "It's a magical beast!" Leorio says surprised.

      "A magical beast?" Gon asks unknowingly.

      "A transforming magical beast, the Kiriko! They can take human form! That's an extremely intelligent creature!" Kurapika explains to us.

      "There's a woman in his arms!" Gon says stating the obvious. 

      "No really?" I can't help but say sarcastically.

      "And the guy on the floor needs medical attention," Leorio states, eyeing the man.

      The Kiriko jumped out of the window with the woman still in its arms. Snow and Midnight leap after it, to help track its scent.

      "P-please... Please save my wife...," the injured guy on the ground says.

      "Leorio, we'll leave the injured man to you!" Kurapika states as he Gon and I jump out the window to follow the Kiriko, Midnight, and Snow.

      "Got it!" Leorio yells back to Kurapika.

      We catch up with Snow and Midnight, and by this point, Snow is following it through the trees. I jump up with her while Midnight follows us on the ground. Gon jumps up to the trees with me, using his fishing pole to help. Kurapika stays and runs beside Midnight.

      "Kiriko! Let her go!" Gon yells as he catches up to me.

      "Take her from me, if you can!" the Kiriko shouts back while smirking.

      Gon, not expecting the kiriko to be able to talk, falls back down beside Kurapika and Midnight. I don't hear what their saying, but I know that Gon is surprised that it can talk.  I keep pace with Snow when suddenly the Kiriko swerves and another Kiriko takes its place. Snow and I follow the one that got replaced, while Gon and Kurapika follow the other one. Midnight catches up to me and Snow. By then we had entered a clearing, and the other one was pretending to be the one I was chasing. The Kiriko was about to attack me when I looked at it and said,

      "Oh, this must be part of the hunter's exam. You must be one of the navigators, right?" I said figuring it out.

      "Wow, no one has ever figured that out on their own before," the Kiriko says very surprised.

      "Hey, sweetheart! Come over here! You're gonna love this!" comes from the second Kiriko.

~~~Time Skip in the show~~~

      We were standing in front of the navigators house, with the man, woman, and the two Kirikos. The two kirikos started to reminisce on how long it had been since someone could tell them apart. Gon then started to explain to Kurapika and Leorio who was who. They all then introduced themselves as the navigators. 

      The daughter then explains why Kurapika passes. The son explains why Leorio passes. Both Kirikos explain why Gon passes, and the first Kiriko explains why I pass.

      "Now, we will take you to the exam site," one of the Kirikos explains.

      The Kirikos unfold their wings and pick us up to take up to the exam site. Two of the Kirikos have baskets on their backs and are carrying Midnight and Snow. I'm traveling on the same Kiriko as Gon. Leorio starts getting mad at something Kurapika says and  moves around too much for the Kiriko.


A/N: Hoped you enjoyed this chapter! I'm sorry about skipping most of the conversations, but I got really lazy!! Also I need two more buddys for Midnight and Snow. One of them has to be a bird, but I will take the first two that fits the story!

A Fox in HunterxHunter[DISCONTINUED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu