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Becky POV

I woke up to my phone ringing constantly I looked at the caller Id and seen it was my mother I pressed ignore

I rolled out and of bed and did my hygiene I got dressed in a white shirt red jeans white bucket hat and my retro 11 red Jordan's

My phone rang but I didn't look at it I ignored it I walked downstairs to see August cooking

I looked over his shoulder to see him trying to cook eggs the eggs were burnt

I laughed "August there burned"

He sighed and threw them in the trash

"I was trying to cook for my girl" He said

I blushed he put his arms around my waist and pecked my lips

"IHOP" He suggested

I nodded he walked upstairs to go change

Minutes later he came storming down dressed

"Why the hell is Chresanto calling and texting you talking about o you wanna go to IHOP wit me" He shouted

I wrapped my arms around his neck "Look Auggie's mad" I said in a childish voice

His face softened "Come one let's go" He said grabbing his keys along with his phone

I grabbed my Mk bag and walked out with August

Erica POV

I woke up to the door slamming shut I rolled out of bed hopping in the shower and brushing my teeth

After my shower I threw on some sweats and a sweat shirt I don't have time to look beautiful I put my hair up in a bun

The house was empty I grabbed my phone and sat down n the couch I'm so board I said to myself

My phone buzzed I unlocked it seeing I had a text from Zayon

Zayon:Wassup ma


Zayon:You wanna hang?


Zayon: Text me yo address

I texted him my address and minutes later he pulled up I hopped in his car and we drove off

We arrived at his mansion 20 minutes later

"Wow your house is big"

"What you thought I was poor" He said chuckling

Becky POV

Me and August were in our booth talking when Chresanto and Stacy walk up to our booth

"Can we join you?" Stacy asked

August nodded Chresanto sat next to me and Stacy sat next to August

Chres put his arm around me I seen August jaw clench

"I'm finna to to the restroom" Chresanto said

"Me to" August said leaving me with Stacy

"You know August is really fine" She said with a smirk

August POV

I finally get a damn POV thank you author anyway back to the story

"Chresanto what's go wit you begin all 'friendly' wit my girl"

"Listen I know Becky is fine thick in all the right places especially that ass" Chresanto said

Damn nigga knew how to press my buttons 

I was about to punch him when he stopped me "You won't hit me cause I got this deal going on wit yo daddy" He said with a smirk

I stormed out the bathroom grabbing Becky and speeding back home

" Can you tell me wtf happened in there"

I didn't answer her question She grabbed my face making me face her

"Tell me what's going on" She said

I still anit answer he I opened the door slamming it in her face and leaving

(That was damn as hell rude don't y'all think) 


My Boss's Son [August Alsina Love Story]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora