"Yeah, Desi you really are gay. You're like super gay. Sometimes I wonder how you can even have sex with guys." I admit.

"CREAM! Duh." Desiree answers.

"Cream?" I question.

"Yes, CREAM. Cash. Rules. Everything. Around.Me!" Desiree smiles an innocent smile.

"You know you goin to hell, right?" I laugh.

"Bitch, you comin wit me and we gon be hoes in hell." Desiree says. We both crack up.

Desiree walks me out and hugs me.

"Bitch, you betta call me more!" Desiree squeezes my boobs.

"Ok, Desi. Let me have my date first and then I'm gonna get back at you with my answer." I get in my car and take off home to prepare for my date which is in less than an hour.

As I shower, I realize that I do want more for myself and my children. I also don't want to rely on anybody hire me. At least with Desiree, we worked whenever we wanted, traveled, had fun, and the best of everything. Looking at the bigger picture, it wasn't so bad and no matter how good I act now, nobody cares and nobody even gives me a chance to redeem myself. People around here look at you like "once a hoe, always a hoe." Might as well live life on my terms and do what's best for me and mines. Anyways, I finish up my shower feeling empowered and fresh. I get dressed and do my hair and makeup. Around 9, there's a knock on my door and I know it's Rich. I spray my favorite Chanel fragrance and head out. Rich has a jet black Bentley and he's dressed to kill. He opens my car door like a true gentleman and takes me to a 5 star restaurant in downtown LA. 

I order the most expensive thing on the menu, just to see how well Rich is, financially. Shit, I feel like Desiree is rubbing off on me. I order the surf and turf, which is Lobster and Steak. I still can't order champagne at restaurants but I order expensive desserts and sides.

"Damn, you got some expensive taste." Rich laughs as he watches me order.

"Yeah. When I was pregnant with my twins. I use to order half them menu." I tell Rich.

"Wow, you have twins?" Rich asks as he looks at my body.

"Yeah, I had them not to long ago but I just ate healthy and exercised everyday and got my body back." I brag.

"Well, damn, I would've never guessed you were a mom." Rich looks suprised.

"That a bad thing?" I ask, feeling a bit insecure now.

"No, not at all. You just don't strike me as the motherly type." Rich smiles.

"Oh, so I look more like a MILF?" I begin laughing.

"I mean, yeah but in the most respectful way possible." Rich blushes.

"Nah, that's fine. I get it. I mean every job I ever had have been based off of my looks. I honestly don't know what I do if I weren't good looking. I'm pretty smart but not exceptional and I'm really not good at too many things." I admit.

"Well, I've always been handsome so I can relate." Rich laughs. "But I actually went to audio school so I'm a Music Producer so you can say that I'm somewhat talented."

"Oh, you produced for anybody I might have heard of?" I question.

"Heard of Young Cocaine?" Rich asks.

My heart drops into my stomach.

"He's related to the your club Manager, June, that's his brother." Rich explains.

"I know. Umm, I was in his first video." I admit.

"Oh, damn that was you." Rich smiles.

"Yep." I coldly say.

"You're not his ex girl  or anything cause I don't want to break bro code." Rich nervously says.

"Nope, we never dated." I say, avoiding telling Rich that once upon a time, I fucked Young Cocaine but just once.

"Aite, I just didn't want to violate anyone, you feel me?" Rich sweetly says.

Suddenly, I don't think I want a relationship anymore. I mean Rich is perfect, gorgeous, sweet, rich, and a true gentlemen but everytime I try to get into a relationship, it seems like my past always finds a way to find me again. It's like there's no escaping the Hoe Life, it's found me again, sitting at this elegant dinner table, with this fine ass piece of chocolate, and it seems like somehow he's going to find out how big of a hoe I used to be. I feel sick to my stomach with nervousness and anxiety.

"If you know Young Cocaine then I'm guessing you know Majesty Williams." I swallow hard.

"Yea, that's my boy. We use to go to school together." Rich tells me with excited eyes.

"Well, yea. That's the twins daddy." I admit.

"Yo." Rich says with a dull tone.

"Yeah. I get if that makes you uncomfortable or somethin but like I said, I'm single so." I shrug.

The rest of the night is pretty quiet and a little awkward. I go deep in my thoughts and decide that I'm gonna run with Desiree again. I remember them days of running free and being heartless. It felt good and most of the time people already knew what we were about so they didn't judge us and if they did, we be like fuck em. We had over 50 thousands benjamins each, at a time so we never really heard the hate. Rich ends up dropping me off pretty early and I don't say much to him about it. It kinda pisses me off that he views me like Majesty's property, like it's whatever...guess it wasn't meant to be.

(A/N Is Desiree right about her lifestyle or choices? Should Jade go back to her old ways just because of the money and freedom? Is Rich wrong for following bro code and not fucking with Jade? Comment & Vote. Thanks for reading!)

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