Chapter 2 - First Day of School

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The hallways are deserted when I arrive. The floors gleam freshly polished over the summer and I could almost make out my reflection in the smooth black marble. Retrieving my class schedule I search for my locker number.

"Four eighteen," I whisper to myself. Cramming the schedule back into my purse I turn to the right side of the hallway and start mumbling the locker numbers as I pass.

"Four ten, four twelve," I whisper until I finally reach my locker. I pull down on the tiny silver handle until the shimmering red door swings open to reveal vastly empty locker. I deposit my three binders and lithe purse into the locker before turning around to a familiar voice.

"Hey Miranda how was your summer," Mrs. Dennard inquired to with a bright smile.

"It was great," I grinned dimurely while subconsciously tugging the bottom of my sleeve downward. "Thanks for asking."

"You're welcome," she said politely while glancing at the movement of my hand, "I'm exited for class. See you there."

"You too," I mumbled thinking about last year when I first had Mrs. Dennard as my AP English teacher. She first started to give me concerning looks when I wrote a short narrative about a girl with depression. She never fully stopped worrying but she isn't majorly pushy on subjects. I'm always suprised she continues to asks considering how cyclic I am reassuring her.

Checking my phone one last time before class starts, I snap out of my daze walk to the science department to start this awful day time Hell called school.

________________________________________________________________________________(5 classes later)

BRRRRRRIINNNGGGG! I jumped out of my sleep induced state at the abrupt sound of the bell.

"Finally time for class," I say to myself while standing up from my spot on the ground.

During tenth grade last year I stumbled across this place while I was ditching lunch. It was always quiet here on the track. No one came to this part of the school during lunch hour and I knew it was safe to just sit and sleep or work on my extra school work. It was tranquil here, giving me a short break from the chaos erupting within the walls of the compound.

I'm walking on the sidewalk towards my English class and when I enter the building I see my closest friends in a congregation at their lockers.

"Hey guys," I say coming to a stop beside Samantha. She joined our group last year, along with Liz. My friends  sort of adopted them and almost instantly they clicked with us. Since today was the first day of school everyone was so immersed in their own conversations that they didn't hear me. Well, except for Samantha.

"Hey what's up," she asked. We broke free from our huddle of friends and started our treacherous journey through the zoo-like hallways to class.

"Nothing really, you know school isn't very exciting," I say to her as I dodge a scurrying freshman causing us to separate as he passes.

She smiled after returning beside me and nodded in agreement. "I know right? It's so boring. Oh yeah, where were you during lunch?"

I looked away and tried to come up with a reasonable excuse. "Um, out at the track just chilling, catching up on a little sleep. You know how much I love my sleep." I dramatisize.

"Trust me we all know, Miranda," she said with a quiet laugh as we sat down in our seats. Hyein, Liz, and Jordan all walked in as the tardy bell rang and took their seats beside Samantha and I. Everyone keeps talking as the last seconds slowly tick away before the ringing of the final bell. I start to get lost in my own thoughts, it was only when Mrs. Dell starts talking do I realize that the last echos of the bell were silent.

"Okay everyone it's time to get to know each other. Most of us have already met from last year, but a couple of you are new," upon hearing this many of the "new kids" slightly blush or continue staring into space. "So, I think we all need to become acquainted," she smiles warmly at us all before standing up and going to the board. She writes her name as we sit watching with high hopes for a good year to be granted to us.

"Okay, first rule. Once you say your name and one thing about yourself, you can sit back down for the rest of class. Now," she smiles eagerly while scanning the room, "Who would like to go first?"

I look around for a brief moment before returning my eyes to my desk. "I will," I glance up to see one of our cheerleaders raising her hand.

"Okay Avril," Mrs. Dell declares sitting down at her desk chair, "Start us off with your full name and one thing about yourself." At this point I start to drown out the voices of the students around me and begin to pick at my nails.

"Miranda," unexpectedly hearing my name I look up to find our teacher staring at me with a questioning look on her face. "Your name and something about yourself." I stare at her with a blank expression. Turning my attention to the class I manage to talk in a relatively audible voice.

"My name is Miranda Nichols and, um, I like to hang out with my friends," I struggle to get out while a blush is creeping it's way into my checks. I jump out of my seat as the ending bell excuses us from class. collecting myself, I sling my bag over my shoulder and gather my binder, trailing behind my friends when a voice has me come to a complete halt.


Spinning around I look at Mrs. Dell with a questioning look.

"Can I talk to you for a minute," I hesitate before nodding my head. Sitting back down in my desk I watch Mrs. Dell anxiously wring her hands as she strolls to shut the door before sitting in the desk beside my own. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I whisper to her. The look that crosses her face tells me that she doesn't fully believe me.

"Are you sure," she's pushing for an answer. I nod my head once more without making eye contact. "Okay then, you can go to your next class." Standing she writes me a pass so that I'm not counted tardy. I grab the note and walk to class.

(end of school day)

Walking to my locker I put my binder in as I retrieve my purse. Turning to my group of friends, "so, I'll see you guys later," I say as everyone gives me a good bye hug. I turn around tossing a simple 'goodbye' over my shoulder as I make my way towards my car. Getting in I fumble around trying to buckle my seat belt before turning on the truck. I sit there for a few moments doing nothing but staring off into space. I feel almost as if I'm in a trance.

I finally snap out of it and throw my truck into reverse, backing it out of the parking lot and pulling onto the country road that will take me a full fifteen minutes to get home.


Hey guys! I know this maybe a little confusing if you've already started this book, but I deleted chapter two and rewrote it. This is what I came up with, much much longer than the first. I hope you like it and I appreciate as much feedback as I can get! Or if you have any questions comment and I will try to get back to you asap! And vote if you want maybe give me a little motivation lol :) thank you all for reading hopefully chapter three will be up in a couple of days.

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