**Important information + Chapter 8.5

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(Art by me, GlaringShadow/LSTheNinjaKitten)

Hey all. So I guess it's 2018 now- 2 years after the last update. As some of you have already found out, I've canceled the series. I will no longer be continuing to update after this.

I know a lot of you will be disappointed, having followed it all the way through, that I'd just cut it off here and now. But I don't want to work on it anymore and I can't force myself to (and neither can anyone else). When I started writing TMoD, I was very new to writing. I had absolutely no clue what I was getting myself into. I pretty much just had a few things I wanted to happen, some cat names, and an out-of-control imagination. I wanted to make Winter an interesting character and didn't know how to do that outside of giving her horrifyingly unrealistic powers for seemingly no reason. In my opinion, my old writing is very cringy/choppy/unfinished.

Long story short, I can't do it man. This series has outgrown my attention span. There are too many holes in the plot for me to try to fix. Every time I think about it I get stressed out.

And to those who've followed silently, have never commented about the same things everyone else comments about (ex. "Winter is mary sue >:0" "Fire is cheater get him out >:0" "What the 15 kits?!?!?! >:00" etc, you know who you are), thank you. Thank you for not adding to my stress levels. You're the reason the series made it as far as it did.

That being said, I should mention that before I dropped TMoD, I had written a very small portion of Chapter 8. The last portion I wrote before canceling. I couldn't bring myself to even finish this much, but I figure you guys might like to see what I had done for it. It's not super interesting, mostly just filler, but here it is. Written May 18, 2016.


As Winterfrost grew closer to the Nursery, she could hear a quiet voice coming from it. Curious but not wanting to startle anyone, she listened carefully. She couldn't fully make out the words, but it sounded like someone was telling the kits a story. Had one of the elders convinced the kits to settle in the nursery, or was it one of the queens? When she finally approached the entrance of the den she could hear the story ending.

"-ay. And with that, the foxes never came near Lionclan again." The voice finished. The kits were gasping in awe. "But where did the foxes go?" It sounded like Ravenkit. "The leash of foxes never returned to the clan territories, and they eventually found a place to live that was mostly enemy-free. In fact, it's probably still there to this day, should anyone be curious enough to find it."

"What if they went away stho they could gather more of their friendsthh and return for another sthurprise attack?" Winterfrost recognized the kit's voice, but didn't recall them ever telling her their name. "Lionclan was much too strong by then for them to be able to try anything. Remember, these were big cats. Much bigger than we are, and much bigger than the foxes. Although foxes aren't the smartest, they knew better than to try anything after that."

It seemed like the kits were running out of questions, so Winterfrost took the opportunity to poke her head inside the den. It was hard to make out everything since she had just been in the sunlight, but she could make out the shapes of five kits and two warriors. "Hello!" She greeted, not knowing what else to say that hopefully wouldn't startle them. Thankfully they all just turned their heads.

"Oh, hi Winterfrost!" She recognized the voice of Foxclaw, and was a little surprised to see him in the nursery. The other cat, now that she could see a little clearer, wasn't a warrior but a gray-white apprentice she-cat.

"What're you all doing in here? Everyone else is out there," Winterfrost flicked her tail to the camp where there still sat a decent-sized meal for possibly multiple cats. "These little ones were getting under everyones' paws. None of them belong to me, but I figured I could do the queens a favor by keeping them in here until everyone was done." Foxclaw dipped his head. He was clearly happy to be around the kits though, and the kits seemed to be happy around him too. 'He must be an excellent story teller,' Winterfrost thought.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 15, 2018 ⏰

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