Finding the path

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There were four teenagers. They went to a park together. Their names were Serena, Elizabeth,Nathan,and Autumn (me). What they didn't know about the park was that there was a path through the woods. They heard stories about that path, anyone who goes in doesn't come out alive. When we saw the forsaken path Serena chickened out at first,we told her if she chickened out that she would get possessed by a demon. What we didn't know is that if you stepped into the woods then walked out (or was to scared once you entered and turned back) you would be possessed.

          When Serena chickened out she started acting very strange. She started making these pictures of demonic figures. Then she started leading us through the woods while writing these clues or riddles. While we were getting farther in the woods we started coming towards a cabin.

        The cabin looked worn out. Elizabeth said that she recognized that cabin. Everybody asked her where she knew it from but she was to busy staring at the cabin. I got scared cause I remembered the story of clap clap. It's where this couple found an abandon cabin. They didn't want to go in but they did cause they were lost. In the middle of the night they heard someone outside. At the end they wound up dead.

         We walked into the cabin. When we closed the door Elizabeth went straight to the kitchen. I slightly looked to the left and I saw a picture. In the picture was Elizabeth with some woman. Later Elizabeth came up and said" that was me and my grandmother  before she passed." Everyone felt bad for her.

      When we found Serena again she was standing in front of this chest. I was the only one in that group that could see spirits so I was really scared. We where surrounded by them( aka spirits )

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