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I stood statuesque amidst chaos, overcome by emotions too complex to catalogue. My only movement was to use my hands to press my veil tightly over my mouth and nostrils. The action was partially a motion of disbelief and partially an attempt to avoid breathing in the cloud of dust enveloping me as it was blown east from the rubble that had been Dagon's Temple. Crumbling mud-brick and stone created a choking powder, making breathing difficult for man and beast alike.

Agonizing screams sliced through the sudden gloom that blocked the sun and brought an eerie cast to the sky above Gaza. The screams died to moans and then a moment of appalling silence, followed by the shouting of rescuers calling for beasts of burden to move large slabs of stone and mortar imprisoning the dying.

Pandemonium ensued as man and beast converged on the carnage. Soon the keening death wail began a chilling counterpoint to the cacophony of rescue efforts. Eyes dry and heart chilled, I turned from the scene and made my escape. I did not know whence I would journey, but perhaps now I could find peace.

My name would no longer be Delilah. Salome would be my new identity.

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