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Days. Weeks. Hours. Months. Seconds. Jemma hung there, encased in ubiquitous rock. With no sun and a fuzzy conscience, she struggled to tell the time. The monolith hummed to her. Sometimes it didn't. Sometimes it got louder, sometimes it got quieter. She had no idea why. What she wouldn't give for a cup of tea and a good book.
'Why don't tombs come with room service these days' Jemma whined.  Although she complained, Jemma never felt hungry, nor thirsty.  Sleep was a different matter though. Jemma hung in limbo, just teetering on the age between sleep and day dreaming, painfully aware of her predicament but never bothered enough to do anything about it. 

Through a small crack in the rock, she could see Fitz. A face of thunder practically radiated into the room, so much so that Jemma could feel her cheeks glowing. 
"DO SOMETHING!" Fitz roared, busting the containment door open.  Jemma tried to yell back, to reassure him, to calm him down but the cold smooth stone  kept her mouth clamped shut.

Help me Fitz

"JEMMA!!". He pounded his fists on the stone like a spoilt child, missing his favourite toy. 

Save me Fitz

Fitz just crumpled into a sobbing mess at Jemma's stone encased feet. 

Eventually, the rock began to thin. It was slow at first, but she could feel it moving, feel a wind caressing its surface. Jemma felt like a stranger in her own skin, like her body was being warped, tailored. 'Strange, is this what the inhumans feel?' As she spoke those words, the monolith shuddered, much like disgust. She was no expert in weird alien rockology, but it was obvious that the monolith was doing something to her. As she thought this, the monolith peeled back from her skin. It felt weird to feel the dry air against her skin after so long. Suddenly lacking support, Jemma fell face first into... Nothing. A sickening squelch could be heard as a long segment of stone, previously digging into the back of her lower skull, was left behind.  A shard lay lodged into her ribs.  She span through nothingness, streaks of darkness flying past like spirits.
'Spirits aren't real Jemma'.
Eventually, after what felt like minutes, she burst through the ground.  Dust kicked up around her and the portals edges lapped at her feet.
"why didn't you kill me?" she pondered, staring into the abyss.  Secretly she hoped nothing would stare back.   Jemma tucked the shard into her waistband. "Alright, the average human can go three days without water. I can wait" Jemma said to herself. She pulled out her phone and looked a picture of Fitz.
"He won't be long. Will he?", doubt breaking her usually calm demeanour for the first time in weeks.
"Poor Fitz"

[WIP]Isolation Of The Human MindDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora