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See the beauty of life: laughs & love

Mind your feelings and thoughts

Identify your happiness & dreams

Look on towards your journey

Everything, treat with a smile...


Following my daily routine, I never would have guessed

First time we've each other seen, both differently dressed

January 3rd, Friday, it's the usual hour of lunch.

Playing "Pachelbel's Canon in D Major" on my violin was, is, and always be, too easy for me. Every day at school, especially at lunch, I always find time to play in my violin. It's not as if I needed it since I've already won awards before I even reached High School. My parents told me that playing my violin in the music room doesn't show 'practice-makes-perfect' but instead, 'practice-time-is-like-play-time-for-me'. Even if it doesn't make any sense, following what my parents tell me is what I normally do.

Placing down my violin, I sighed. Why did I sigh? I don't understand myself at all I thought to myself. Suddenly, a group of boys were passing by, outside the music room. Having no interest I preceded in fixing my music piece when a ball bounced to my feet.

After picking up the ball, I turned and one of those boys had walked in. Hmm, he's wearing a dark blue uniform, must be from the general education section of this school.

I handed the ball to him. Scratching his head with his right hand, he apologized, "Sorry for the intrusion. I know we're not supposed to be allowed in this section."

Giving him the same smile I wear when I perform on stage, I said, "It's alright. Please be more careful next time."

He suddenly frowned, "Hey I apologized already so I hope you'll accept it."

I tilted my head to show confusion, "I said it's alright didn't I?" What does he mean?

"James! You got the ball already?" One of the boys shouted.

He looked at the door then turned back to me, "Oh, so you accepted that 'sorry' I told you earlier?"

I nodded in response. He scratched his head with his right hand again, then offered his left hand towards me, "My name's James, as what you've heard my friends called me, what's yours?"

Looking at him, I accepted his hand, "My name is Melissa, pleased to meet you."

James then turned to leave the room. When he reached the door I was about to turn away when he spoke, "Melissa," I looked at him and he continued, "learn to fix that smile of yours" then he smiled a very warm smile. I never realized how warm a smile could be.


In every school there're pros and cons

Sigh, with you far away can I make a song?

There's still ten minutes left before the end of lunch. I left the music room and headed towards my classroom. I pass by the open corridor that presents the garden of the school. 'Harrington University' was written under the fountain that stands in the middle of the garden. Around the fountain were two-foot low rose bushes that form a labyrinth. The pathway between the rose bushes had benches in some parts of it.

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