Princess of Ice

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When she woke up she immediately rushed outside and when she came back,she had the most beautiful glowing frost eyes wearing a blue warrior outfit and tiara but what concerned me was her wings I immediately drew my sword as she flapped her frosty wings...

Who are you?while shivering in extreme fear, Hi my name is Mist
Thank you for saving me from this temple and you are?? Kayle,,Kayle Cortex,Haha! don't worry i'm not gonna hurt you,you can put that sword down,ooh okay i trust you

Kayle!Kayle come over here you can let the princess sleep,Wait princess,Mist are you a princess ?

Practically not anymore,Huh? why? Well before you found me i was relieved of my duty being a princess

But the worst part is that when i was walking to this temple herobrine captured me and placed me inside the hidden room surrounded by lava...Well that's pretty sad.

Soo?why were you relieved as a princess?I asked curiously,Well first I like freezing flowers and second I nearly killed a player.Oh okay so maybe you should stop freezing anything you like.K :>

Oh Mist I'll show you to your room,,thank you but i believe you should go to your friend now I'll find my room on my own

Well okay,while misty walked around the house or temple as you might say Zach found something that is very awesome
First was an blue sword and bow second an Entirely new room and third a gold and white sword
Hey kayle let's check the new room we found,Okay on three one - three Zach came dashing into the dark hallway that we're not supposed to explore

When we came to the end three doors with different colors were there the middle was an iron one I can tell the one at the right was a red one and the other one was black

Hey umm Zach i think we're not supposed to go inside one of those yet,yeah maybe you're right so let's just go check the ice princess upstairs,Wait ice princess how did you know?Umm long story let's just say that a long time ago a girl saved me from becoming an ice cube and well her name is Mist

So you two already knew each other when you guys were kids and didn't manage to tell me before we got here!!Well that was the reason why i took you as my partner and now Mist is finally safe

So hey guys finally Kayle found out about Zach's past and the truth behind the temple and as they continue they're journey will the truth change the outcome of this mission or put them in greater danger...

Waaaah I'm liking the sound of this didn't even know how wrote it but....Your gonna die Knight,Herobrine!will you stop showing around in my head IM NOT GONNA ADD YOU YET!
===Knight Out===

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