Chapter 4 An evening with Theo

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We arrive at the restaurant 20 minutes later. Theo poem the restaurant's door for me and my sister. We walk to the front desk where an old lady is standing.

"Hi!" She says "How may I help you?"

"We would like to have a table for 3 please!" Say Theo.

"Of course! Follow me!"

We follow the lady who bring us to an round table with 3 chairs. We sit and look at the menu. A few moments later, a man arrive to our table with a Champagne bottle in his hands.

"Hi!" He says "I'll be your waiter for the evening. The first Champagne bottle is free for you guys today."

He fill Theo's and Shai's glasses and put the bottle in the middle of the table.

"And for you?" He ask me.

"I'm just gonna take water please."

He come back seconds later with a glass full of water. When the waiter leave us alone, my sister take  the Champagne bottle en pour some in my second glass.

"What are you doing?" I ask her.

"Mom is not there! We can do whatever we want!"

"And it's not like we're gonna finish that bottle just you and my sister!" Say Theo with a half smile.

The waiter come back fifteen minutes later. He act like he don't see that I'm drinking Champagne but he keep looking at me and that's make Shai and Theo laugh. When we finish to say what we want to eat to the water, I ask some questions to Shai and Theo.

"So, when does your boot camp start?" I ask.

"Tomorrow morning!" Say Theo. "We need to be there at 9:30 and we can leave at 6:30."

"And we have an 1 hour break at noon to eat." Add Shai.

"Can I come?" I ask. "I mean, it would be a great way to meet the others actors!"

Shai and Theo look at each other.

"I think that tomorrow you shouldn't come. We would ask if you can come and if the answer is yes, you will come the second day!" Suggest Shai.

"I think that's a great idea!" Say Theo.

"I'm okay with that too!" I say. "How many days last the boot camp?"

"It start tomorrow, so Monday and finish Saturday. So it last 6 days. They give us Sunday free and the filming start the next Monday." Say my sister.

Our food arrive at me moment that Shai finish her sentence. We all ordered pasta but with different a kind of sauce. I already drink half of my Champagne and I think that's pretty good. We all eat without saying a word because our food is so delicious that we can stop eating it! When we finish, the waiter bring us a plate of different kind of pastries. Theo immediately jump on the little chocolate cake.

"You're not that different from Tobias!" I say, referring to Four and his love for dauntless cake.

He smile, his mouth full of cake. I take a little piece of chocolate and caramel pie while Shai choose a piece of fruit pie. When we finish our dessert, the waiter come and Theo take out his credit card.

"Wait a minute!" Say Shai. "You won't pay for the three of us!"

"And why not?" He ask.

"Because it's me that gonna pay for the dinner."

"I'm sorry darling but I invited you so I pay."

After a while, Shai give up and let Theo pay. She sigh and I start laughing.

"What?" Ask Theo and Shai at the same time.

"Nothing. It's just funny to watch you fighting" I answer, laughing.

We leave the restaurant a few minutes later. Once we all get in the car, Theo say

"What about going on the Ferris wheel at Navy Pier?"

"Yes!!" My sister and I shout at the same time.

Navy Pier is about fifteen minutes away from here. When we arrive, my sister go get our tickets while Theo and I go in the line.

"What do you think about this city?" Theo ask me.

"It's only been a few hours since I'm here but I think I'm in love with it! I can believe I'm in my dream city!"

"You're dream city?"

"Since I'm young, my sister and I dream to go to Chicago together."

"And because of that movie, your dream came true!"

"Yes! And thanks for the dinner!"

"No worries!"

"And thanks for bringing us here! A part of one of my other dream will come true because of you!"

"And what's that dream?"

"I always loved height. One of my dream is to go on every Ferris wheel of the world. I know it's impossible but I continue to dream for it!"

"I'm happy to participate at the accomplishment of your dream!"

Shai arrive at that moment with 3 tickets in one hand. It's night time so the Ferris wheel is full of lights. It wonderful. When it's our turn, they and Shai sit side by side and I sit in front of the. We arrive at the top. The view is beautiful! We cans see downtown Chicago. I see Hancock Center and Willis Tower. I take a picture of the view. When we come back to earth. We take a selfie which I send to my mother with the one that I took on top of the Ferris wheel. I write "Dinner and Ferris Wheel with Theo. a memorable evening! Shai and Ro xxxx"

Theo bring us back to our hotel and wish us a good night. He tell Shai that he will pick her up tomorrow morning at nine.

"I know it's only 10 o'clock but I really need to go to bed cause I need to be awake for tomorrow." Say my sister.

"No worries!" I tell her. "I'm gonna go read on the balcony. I will go to bed when I will get tired."

We go in the bathroom to put on our pajamas. We wish us good night and I go on the balcony. I sit on one of the 2 chairs and open "Allegiant". I read for the next 2 hours and then go to bed.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! I would like to give a special thank to CourtneyJadeMoore and ByeIHaveToGoRead  for all their lovely comments! Thank you so much girls!! And go read their stories, they are amazing!

My sister ShaileneNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ